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Monday, June 27, 2016

Gmail Users Claim Trump Campaign Emails Are Being Sent to Spam Folder

Some Gmail users have reported seeing their subscribed Trump campaign emails end up in their spam box, resulting in people missing fundraising calls and campaign information.

“I found Emails from both Trump, and his son in Spam,” claimed one Trump supporter in an email to the conservative Gateway Pundit blog. “As a supporter, subscribed, donated, bought retail from Trump… so certain I am on all lists for contacting. I have received oodles of Email, until this month (June).”

The supporter attached an photo, showing a Trump campaign fundraising letter in the spam inbox, along with a note from Google, stating, “Why is this message in Spam? It’s similar to messages that were detected by our spam filters.”

Other Gmail users on Twitter also claimed to have had their emails hidden.

Hadn't received emails from Trump campaign for a while. Checked my Junk Folder. Google's reprogrammed them as spam. pic.twitter.com/NqI0LUg7f0

— Trump Rioter (@Early__May) June 22, 2016

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  1. I just checked mine and the article is correct. Eric Trump's email is in the spam folder.

  2. Pretty much every politician's email is sent to the spam folder. They're all junk, anyway. Give a dollar or sign a petition anywhere, and you eventually end up on hundreds of lists.

    If you really want to receive emails asking for $20 every week from dozens of politicians, add them to your white list.

  3. That happens on yahoo as well. I donated money to Trumps campaign and the thank you email was sent to the spam folder but others from Team Trump go to the inbox.


  4. Google's slogan used to be "Don't Be Evil". Good bet they monitor and chronicle whatever you do now.

  5. Happening with Hotmail accounts, too. Never had a problem until this week.


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