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Monday, June 27, 2016

Taking your young child to a big event, theme park, or other busy location?

Taking your young child to a big event, theme park, or other busy location? Write your phone number on their wrist and cover it with liquid band-aid in case you get separated. Also, take a photo of them using your cell phone the morning of the event so you have their clothing, hair style, and up to date photo.


  1. Also take a swab of their spit for DNA testing if something does happen, then they can identify the body.

  2. i do all this when I go shopping with my wife. then someone can let her know where I am

  3. 12:53
    I do this to my husband also but I use the wrong address and phone number

  4. Electric collar that shocks 20 ft or more away.

  5. Back in the late 80s my parents use to tether me lol. I had a tendency to wander off so when we would go to big malls they made me wear a harness thingy with a leash on it. Nowadays if a parent did that someone would probably call the cops or child services on them.

  6. Why would I take a picture of them using my cell phone? Am I trying to identify and get my cell phone back? It should read "use your cell phone to take a photograph of your child..." Grammar is important.

  7. How about you just watch them


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