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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Who should be on the $20 bill


  1. The Chinese Gov't. After-all, It's not even our money right now. China owns more than 70% of our nation's debt. Thanks Democrats..

  2. Oh, sorry, that's the fiver.

  3. He certainly made the rich, richer and the poor, poorer.

  4. Considering that Tubman was a law breaker at the time, she shouldn't even be under consideration. Makes as much sense as "legal" illegal immigrants.

    1. what do u expect from a idiot president who releases Terrorists.

  5. trump will reverse it.

  6. 1:34

    I believe that your are an idiot. Your Democrat politicians have created a situation in which poverty just gets deeper and deeper. This was by plan when LBJ had his Great Society program passed. It has only made the poor worse off, and yes, achieved its goal by making those people more dependent on gov't handouts. Disgusting.

    The Democratic party is still the party of slavery. Only now it is not whips and chains used to enslave people. It is entitlements. However, human dignity is destroyed just the same.

  7. All the currency should remain with the images on them today with the exception of the of the $1.00. It should have the full text of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution on the back.

    Sand Box John

  8. Marion Michael Morrison.

  9. Jackson- Let the others be on a NEW denomination! Whats the big deal replacing someone! Get a life!

  10. Lincoln is already present on currency in coins. Believe he's on the penny. One-cent Abe. Can't duplicate. And no change should not be done without Congressional approval so don't hold your breath!

    Reagan is more appropriate than Tubman. Sorry to all the ones who will call me a racist. Eli Whitney would be better or George Washington Culver if we're talking the race card.

  11. Reagan 100% but can this be reversed? ?

  12. Regan. but with the amount of money this takes to change over, i doubt it will in the any where near future. i'll be carrying $10's alot more till they change that. hopefully by then there will be little cash needed.
    What they should do is make a $25.00 bill.

  13. I agree with 2:26. It should only be done with congressional approval.
    Because we all know how proficient our U.S. Congress is.
    They can't agree on what day it is. Let's give them something else to run rampant on.

  14. Leave it be as is, and bring back a $500 bill. The way inflation is going, hundreds have become small change... THEN put Reagan on that!

  15. Prince, Michael Jackson, MLK, Malcolm X, Freddie Gray, Obama.

  16. I would rather see MLK on the 20 than the stupid criminal. At least he tried to get things for all people, not just friends and family, like that Tubman guy!

  17. Andrew Jackson. What is the all of a sudden need to change the picture on a paper currency in the U.S.? The "need" came before a candidate was even chosen, so what exactly precipitated the "need"?

    Is it a "Hey, look over here!" move?

    No need to look behind the curtain!

  18. Cash will soon be a thing of the pass. Leave it as is. It only costs more to make new.

  19. 6:24 the need was to make the "African-American's" feel like they are a part of this country, it isn't enough that they got a black president of the free world, free phones, free food, free housing, free internet, free healthcare,.....

    1. now can felons can vote again as per the IDIOT VIRGINIA governor 200,000 voters just to put voters in Clinton's voting house.

  20. Just think of how great this country could have been if Lincoln had lived to see his plans after the war implemented.

  21. 6:24
    nothing better to do

  22. When they made a public poll as to what female should be on it, I could not find who I wanted so I nominated Betsy Ross because she made our first flag.

  23. Why is everyone so unhappy living in this country? I love it,but everyone here seems to be angry about everything.


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