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Sunday, May 01, 2016

I'm So Disappointed in Our Eastern Shore Republicans And Governor

With the exception of Mr. Mark McIver, our elected Republican Party representatives were a no show when Presidential Candidate Donald Trump came to Berlin, Maryland. Mr. McIver had the best statement I've heard in many years. He said, I don't care if Ted Cruz comes to the Shore, I represent the Republican Party and I will be there to welcome him too. 
Donald Trump brought together some 10,000 people to share his views and platform, which was received with great applause. 
When I spoke with several elected officials after Mr. Trump had left our area, many stated they were at another event that conflicted with Trumps visit. 

I've been doing this for a lot of years Ladies & Gentlemen and I have attended many political events. I have witnessed multiple times an elected official make their speech and respectfully excuse themselves to attend another event.

Governor Hogan has publicly stated that he does not support any of the candidates running for President. OK, I get that and I respect his position. However, this isn't about who he supports. Larry Hogan is the GOVERNOR of Maryland who represents all of us. Like Mr. McIver showed his respect, Governor Hogan, (in the very least) should have at least welcomed Mr. Trump as he arrived at the Salisbury Airport and our State of Maryland. 

This is the very first time I have been disappointed in Governor Hogan and I truly believe it is actions like this that are destroying the Republican Party. 

Now I can tell you that I stood in the V.I.P. line for hours and not one elected official outside Mark McIver from Wicomico County was present. If I am to be corrected please do so in comments. I did see Mr. Steve Hershey and candidate Chris Chaffee from PG County.

Our Republican Representatives need to respect ALL candidates. I'm confident the Poultry Industry would understand the fact that this once in a lifetime event could have been divided between the two events. Hopefully this article will change their way of thinking in the future. 


  1. It shows its time for a change in leadership in the RNC top down. They're cliquish much like the shore. Has to end. In both places. We're all in this together for better, for worse.

  2. Hogan was at the DPI dinner that night. I was there and he gave a great speech about local agriculture and issues here on the Shore at the same time as they rally.

  3. It's all a part of the stop TRUMP campaign.....it won't happen!!!! This is the problem with politics and why none of the politicians can be trusted....there is always a secret agenda that the rest of us NEVER KNOW ABOUT no matter who you are.....

  4. Don't shake the tree. The rotten apples will fall out.

  5. Unknown, I already stated where the Governor was. I also stated that he, (and many others) could have, (in the very least) welcomed Mr. Trump at the Airport like County Executive Bob Culver did. My apologies for not mentioning that in the original article. If Culver could attend BOTH, so could our Governor.

  6. Our Governor has done a lot of good but I'm with Joe on this one. I don't care if he does not support Mr. Trump, and good Lord lets hope he's not supporting Hillary, but he could have been at the airport at the very least.

  7. What was the point of "welcoming" him at the airport when he had to be whisked away by caravan to Berlin?

  8. So do Republicans just vote Republican no matter who the choice is Joe? Maybe he's not their candidate. If they wanted to be there they would have.

  9. 12:55 I didn't say that. What I said is, our Governor should show RESPECT for ANY Presidential Candidate. Hogan ran as a Republican, so of course he should at least welcome Donald Trump to Maryland, ESPECIALLY since Larry Hogan was already here on the Shore. That goes for ALL of our elected representatives. We should ALL be more like Mr. Mark McIver and stay completely neutral towards our party.

  10. Goff was there walking the line and introducing himself. I had seen his signs in Somerset County. Will definitely vote for him now.

    Mrs. Tom

  11. Thank you Mark. Gov. Hogan, although I really like you; this is a disappointment...

  12. Since when is McIver an elected official?

  13. Hogan, whom i voted for, has publicly stated and can be found on the Washington Post, he is a devout member of the #NEVERTRUMP club.

    he has lost my respect and vote because of it.

  14. It appears given the insanity of the national bid for the Republican nominee, the powers that be in our little town have taken their leave and bowing out of the scuttlebutt. Disappointing but what can you say? They're over-PCed and under-educated. Time to pick sides. You're either on the bus or off the bus as there's no in between. It's like being a little bit pregnant.

  15. I dont see what the big deal is? Should the Governor go to every rally that a Republican candidate has in Maryland? Did he go to the Cruz rally in Towson or the Kasich rally in Baltimore? The Governor has improved the morale of the state dramatically and now we want to whine when he didnt meet him at the airport or go to the rally?

  16. Anonymous said...
    What was the point of "welcoming" him at the airport when he had to be whisked away by caravan to Berlin?

    April 25, 2016 at 12:39 PM

    He might have been "whisked away" but Mike Lewis made sure he and his favorites in the Sheriff's Office got their pictures taken and a lot of pictures were taken. Trump got there very late and stayed at the airport late.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Hogan, whom i voted for, has publicly stated and can be found on the Washington Post, he is a devout member of the #NEVERTRUMP club.

    he has lost my respect and vote because of it.

    April 25, 2016 at 1:40 PM

    He may have said that, but please cite your source before spouting off on here something you think happened. LOSER!!

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Goff was there walking the line and introducing himself. I had seen his signs in Somerset County. Will definitely vote for him now.

    Mrs. Tom

    April 25, 2016 at 1:08 PM

    This is Obviously "Goff" posting on here as "Anonymous." LMAO. It is so freaking obvious and when we start talking about the Senate race I am going to get the truth out about this uneducated liar.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Since when is McIver an elected official?

    April 25, 2016 at 1:26 PM

    It's just a position called the "Wicomico County Central Committee" and it has absolutely no power or influence. It is a committee that is charged with getting good Republicans to run and it is nothing more than a social club for people to say "look at me" "look at me."

    Typically losers like Julie Brewington and Ann Suthowski have gotten elected to the Central Committee. Heck they can't even get a Republican appointed to the Board of Education. Sad. Case Closed!

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I dont see what the big deal is? Should the Governor go to every rally that a Republican candidate has in Maryland? Did he go to the Cruz rally in Towson or the Kasich rally in Baltimore? The Governor has improved the morale of the state dramatically and now we want to whine when he didnt meet him at the airport or go to the rally?

    April 25, 2016 at 2:27 PM

    I have to agree and I think that Governor Hogan may have been there if he knew about it and if there wasn't something as important as the chicken industry right now. There are big time trouble makers trying to do away with the chicken industry and Hogan was there to show his support and I thank him for that.

  21. 2:59
    There was no reason to call the other person a loser. None at all.
    Do a little research. The hill posted an article on March 24th that says

    "Republican Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland suggested on Thursday he would consider voting for another White House hopeful if Donald Trump wins his party's presidential nomination.

    “[I’m] not a Trump fan,” he told The Associated Press in Annapolis. "[I don’t think] he should be the nominee.”

  22. 3:06
    Yeah Chickens are definitely more important than who will be our next president.That's the attitude that got this country in the shape its in now. If the USA keeps on the path to socialism CHICKENS won't matter. The government will own them all anyhow so they can feed the freeloaders.

  23. HEY 2:59

    maybe think before you post you blathering fool.

    google is your friend, maybe try searching for it yourself dweeb.

  24. Regardless Governor Hogan should be voting for the Republican nominee,if not I would consider him a traitor to his country for helping clinton get elected.

  25. Hogan hates trump ? he just lost my families 're election vote x4.

    1. 4:58 This is the primary election - not general. At present Maryland Republicans have 11 choices on the ballot for President.
      Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina
      Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum and Donald Trump

      Some of these have dropped out, but you still have the option to vote for the drop outs. Gov Hogan I believe was a supporter of Christy. I feel sure Hogan Will/did vote REPUBLICAN in the primary. I have not seen or heard anything on Hogan hating Trump. Could you post your sources

      By the way Hogan will not be on ballot in 2016 for him to lose your family X4 votes.

  26. To the one that suggested that Trump go to the Chicken 'pow wow' well, that would be very nice. I'm sure Mr. Trump would've enjoy the pig in the park, too. However, the man is trying to get elected. The fact that he came to the Shore at all, considering no other candidate has bothered to do so, says a lot for Trump and not so much to the locals who couldn't put down their Natty Bo's and get off the couch to come down and give him a greeting. Why do you shore people always think everyone has to come to you? You're not all that and a bag of chips, so why aren't you thankful he took the time to come here and do a speech. Most people don't think there's any life east of the Chesapeake Bay. At least, he's the only candidate that cared enough to seek life where life marginally exists to make a speech and INCLUDE you all!

  27. People probably didn't thing Hogan should have been elected when he a virtual "unknown" also.

  28. Hogan is the best Governor this state has ever had. I can't say I was a fan. I voted for him only because he was a Rebuplican but fully expected Brown to win. He won me over in two months. I FULLY support our Governor and I will re-elect him in November. Whatever his problem with Trump I don't care because he has done a great job for Maryland.

    1. I want my gun rights back gov hogan?

  29. Bill Hagen said...
    Regardless Governor Hogan should be voting for the Republican nominee,if not I would consider him a traitor to his country for helping clinton get elected.

    April 25, 2016 at 4:26 PM

    When he made the illegal decision to take away the license plates that legally belonged to members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans he over stepped his boundaries. He lost my vote and thousands others due to his weakness by caving into political correctness.


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