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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Is It Really About Bathrooms?

By Thornton Crowe

Over the last few months, the transgender bathroom situation has reached an all time level pitch. Why has this even become an issue considering the transgender population counts for about .3% of the overall population?

It does make sense if you look at it within the grand scheme.

What a better way to your eyes off all the ways the government is really doing to usurp the Constitution everyday. They're working hard to endanger our Rights as guaranteed by the ruling document of our land. Furthermore, our legislators are perpetrating one of the biggest frauds in the history of mankind under the guise of 'clean, healthy living.'

Last week, California has practically dismantled it's citizens' rights to bear arms. Mind you, the law only serves to protect criminals as they will never go unarmed. Now, average citizens are denied the right to carry or even own them.

Another big California unconstitutional move was to give licenses and de facto voting rights to illegal aliens. Yes, Gov. Brown (D) made it possible for people to skirt the Constitution mandate that clearly states you need to be a US citizen in order to vote. He has given cart blanche to criminals entering illegally to obtain a valid driver's licenses. The off-shoot is they also get to vote in state and federal elections even though they are not eligible. There is no way to separate them or flags of their ineligibility to California Board of Elections.

Furthermore, just because California illegal aliens have driver's licenses, it by no means they will obey driving laws or car insurance. It's been a long-standing problem where illegals get away with denting innocent people's cars without having to make that victim whole. Much like driving around the diplomat circle in DC, they seldom are never held accountable to either law enforcement or the victims.

Why is this important to you?

Let's go back to 1998. Remember when a lot of people made a big deal about this smoking ban all public places -- both inside and outside -- in California and they said it was a violation of a person's right to choose whether or not to smoke even in outdoor spaces? The detractors were the minority and we all thought they were just being selfish jerks who wanted to make our kids sick. Remember?

The big smoking ban provided a massive slippery slope to the thought and behavior police who sought to eradicate personal rights under the guise of it being for the greater good. Using California as an example for seeing just how much they extort the public into compliance, the anti-smoking ban spread throughout America in record time. So what does this mean for Gun Control and Voting Eligibility? Well, unless the some brave Californian dares to step up and sue the state, it may continue to grow like a virus throughout America.

Which brings us back to transgender -- while we're boycotting Target and the mainstream media keeps our eyes on bathrooms, all this is going on behind the smoke and mirrors! Once again, like a petulant child testing his parents' resolve, government is testing just how much they can bully people into giving up more of their freedoms for a non-existent cause made into a mountain.

Perhaps it's time we as a nation come together and vote the nonsense out once and for all. Hence, stop voting for people based on the D or R behind their name and start voting for ourselves and our Constitution. Ideological Right and Left have become married in the establishment way. There really is no division when it comes to establishment folks as they both support the same PC-madness that is taking a wrecking ball to America and assaulting everything we used to hold dear in the American Dream.

Coming to Maryland...! Don't you think it's time we got back to some semblance of normalcy or has this loony liberal society become the new normal forever? The choice is up to you.

How say you?


  1. I believe it's actually .3% of the population. A good article though.

  2. Good article. Now, Maryland needs to overturn it's O'Malley gun control, illegals getting drivers licenses, and in-State tuition for illegals laws. This will be difficult because there are so many Socialists Democrats on entitlement programs and as long as they are getting something for nothing they are willing to give up their Freedoms. Sorry but that's just the way it is.

  3. It's about normalizing pedophilia.

  4. Concerned RetireeMay 22, 2016 at 9:54 AM

    As long as Miller and Busch is continually voted in Md will never change. Totally a Blue state this close to DC and being govern by the DC crowd.

  5. Because of the perverts more then likely laws will be passed for state ID. If your going from Jon to Lisa it will be on license. Otherwise criminals will just pretend and if LE arrest the pretender it will become a national out cry for civil rights violation and LE will be indicted.

  6. 955 Criminals are in charge get used to being the victim LE won't do anything now. You all wanted it.. Keep cheering!

  7. These are seeds of destruction, planted by the enemy from within, just as he...they have done all along. From destroying the economy to weakening our military to turning race against race....all seeds of destruction and chaos. All while those that have taken the oath to protect this Country...do nothing..they look the other way while the criminals and morally perverse destroy bit by bit....

  8. This is ridiculous. the reason we have all these problems with individual states is because of state rights which is right there in the Constitution as number ten in the bill of rights. Yes, way back then the states did not want to give up the option of doing whatever they wanted in their own state and they have continued to cling to that to this day. Most conservatives like this. When they live in a state that is doing what they want it is just great and when they are not it is always the end of the rights of everybody.

    Here is an example: live in a state with right to carry and restrictive abortions and most people on here are happy. Live in a state with more restrictive gun laws and liberal abortion and for most people on here the sky is falling.

    It is a very imperfect world folks and we have an imperfect system. I will tell you this, I am darn glad government(who happens to be us, by the way) decided we can't smoke indoors and many outdoor spaces in Maryland. Smoking is one dirty obnoxious addiction that without doubt causes disease. Note it is an addiction not a habit like so many call it apparently to sooth their souls.

    End of rant for now.

  9. 138 I agree with you 100 percent.

  10. Tell them to move to a ISIS Country.

  11. Some of you are close in your assumptions to why KING OBAMA is doing this....

    But, they are using this as a smoke screen so we do not focus on Hillary,

    and she becomes QUEEN HILLARY in 2016.

  12. Don't forget Calimexico banned guns in their territory as well.

  13. This is all Jim ireton's fault. These bathroom laws and all these other perverted homosexuals like Ireton making gay fine now this nonsense. Ireton is at fault!

  14. Something going on with these lines at the airports also. It's not by chance that all of a sudden every airport has a 2-3 hour wait for security checks with planes leaving half empty or missing 20 or more passengers. We are so being played!

  15. Do you see how sworn public service workers are being forced to violate the laws of the land here? The outcome of all this nonsense appears to be leading to another civil war which our own government is causing. Liberals who don't understand the Constitution and Bill of Rights will oppose those who do and will die in order to preserve them! And just where is the Republican leadership in all this? This is why Trump is looking better every day!

  16. "Don't look behind the curtain, here's nothing to see there!" This has NOTHING to do with trans, homos, or anything else similar/ This is meant to keep us busy worrying over idiocy while the next election is about to be stolen by the Democrats, period.

    Focus needs to look at electronic voting and electronic transfer of voting totals to the counting hubs.

    It's about local electronic voting machines and ballot readers.

    It's about clearing the dead and relocated voters off the local voting roll. I personally have lived in 5 states and have never "cancelled" my registration with any of the past 4 states. How about you? Without that, your ex- next door neighbor can vote for you without ID!

    Think about that for moment.

    We have a lot of work to do before early voting starts in October! And there's nothing organized here 5 months prior?

    Nationwide, but locally at EVERY election board@

  17. Oh, and I forgot to mention preventing non citizens from voting, as illegal aliens are actually being issued driver licenses, and we have "motor voter" in place?????

    WE run our Country, not foreigners!

  18. 1:38what was tha rant about?All i got out of it is your one of those anti outdoor smoking nazi.maybe Anti gun? Anti state? Too not sure.but you have no problem stepping on my smoking pleasure. Oh by which has no health concern outdoors( look up you smoke study!)! Oh i smoke im Wm, fiscal conservative, social libratrian , vet and a registered independent.

  19. I thought it was actually 0.03% of population. Anyhow way less than 1% so why all the fuss?

  20. Weirdo guy can stand a few feet from the urinal and pee, exposing his thing to all the women and girls in the bathroom, and not a thing the law can do about it.

    Obama's "Change" he promised.

  21. 9:18 What was your rant about? All I got out of it is that you are addicted to nicotine. I think there probably is a second hand smoke health problem outdoors but it doesn't matter. Nobody who is clean wants to breath in second hand weed and paper trash smoke when enjoying themselves outdoors or indoors and believe me in many places there continues to be plenty of inconsiderate and clueless addicts who do that to others.

    From your fellow ranter 1:38

  22. Weirdo guy can stand a few feet from the urinal and pee, exposing his thing to all the women and girls in the bathroom, and not a thing the law can do about it. 12:06 pm

    Guess what? Woman restrooms do not have urinals. I guess you must be remembering when weirdo guy exposed his thing to all the men including you in the mens room.

  23. Question: If a person who identifies as female but has male parts uses the female toilet, should they sit down to pee?

  24. pay toilets ..give the payee the domain... not the gender


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