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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Hersheypark visitors can use the bathrooms they gender-identify with

Hersheypark will allow transgender visitors and employees to use the bathrooms they gender-identify with as state governments debate the issue nationwide.

The Sweetest Place on Earth said in a statement Friday that Hersheypark visitors and employees will be able to use the restrooms that match the gender they identify with or use the family restroom. The announcement comes amid a national debate on whether or not to allow transgender people to use the bathrooms of their choice.

Hersheypark spokeswoman Kathy Burrows said the policy is a continuation of what has already been in place at the park.

"For decades, Hersheypark has been dedicated to the safety and security of our guest and employees. It is foundational to our brand," Burrows said in a prepared statement.



  1. Well here's another place we can boycott. No great loss most people never go there anyway. Way over priced.

  2. Hershey Park was one of the few amusement parks I actually enjoyed. Sad to have to add them to the boycott list along with the sickest place in the world for kids....Disneyworld.

  3. Never been growing up I had work pay for my own college. Back yard grill was the family vacation. Now I have zero desire.

  4. They'll lose alot of business over this!

  5. They will end up closing...

  6. No more Hersheypark for us.

  7. I look forward to the day I am not working so much and can return to Hershey Park with my grandchildren. Perhaps all of you who are afraid to go will help make the wait for the rides a little shorter. Notice that you have failed to put Disney out of business. Stop being Goofy.

  8. So you people praise Hobby Lobby and Chic-fil-a for standing up their right but blast and boycott Target and Hersey Park because of theirs? So places only have the freedom to do what they want as long as it matches up with you? Interesting.

  9. Well, I didn't leave anything at Hershey Park that I have to go back for. I don't care what THEY do. I don't need the place. This just gives me another "reason" not to go there.

  10. I hope all the "ladies" that support this policy don't mind the wet toilet seats. Serves them right. No urinals in the "ladies" room. HaHa. And men, trans or not, never touch the toilet seat, to raise or lower, in a public restroom. To all the liberal ladies, the joke's on you!

  11. Sorry, but you are being Goofy 12:22. Make sure you keep an eye on your grand children at old hershey.

  12. 1:59 yes. We choose to support businesses that are good and we choose to boycott businesses that are sick. Where is the problem with that?

  13. 12:22. Yes we know we won't be putting Disney out of business but at least my money won't be going to the LGBT agenda. Why would you have a problem with anyone boycotting something because of their morals.

  14. this is 12:22 speaking I continue to support Hobby Lobby and Chic-fil-a despite their morals. I actually don't have a problem with people who want to boycott others because of their beliefs. You should keep a notebook so you can remember who you are boycotting and who you are not.

    I don't intend to boycott businesses because of the personal beliefs of the owners. If I don't patronize a business it is because I find nothing of value to me there or they do their work poorly.

    I find something of value for me and mine at Hershey, Disney, Target, Hobby Lobby, and Chic-fil-a. There are probably other businesses I patronize that don't match my beliefs exactly but that is their business.

  15. 5:01: Hershey has warned you with their announcement of their supposedly PC policy of who they allow and encourage to use their bathrooms provided to their visitors. If you have no problem letting your GRANDCHILDREN share a bathroom with any pedophile that CHOOSES (because he/she is allowed by Hershey Park) to go into a restroom with your granddaughter, so be it. But, with your advance knowledge of the Hershey Park policy, you better accompany your grandchildren on their bathroom breaks, or your are just a grandparent that will be endangering your grandchildrens lives. You may be offended by this position, but you are refusing to acknowledge the issue of biological men being allowed to share the very private confines of a public restroom with your granddaughters. Shame on you.

  16. I find it a bit funny that in the same press release, they say their bathrooms are open to anyone of any sex and THEN tell us the "safety and security" of their customers is paramount.

  17. From 5:01 to 7:00 It is not transgenders we have to be concerned about. It is pedophiles both male and female. Guess who pedophiles frequently violate? Did you guess boys? Because if you did you would be right. Frequently they are violated by males, people like priests, teachers, coaches, and youth leaders of all kinds. Don't misunderstand most people who work with our children are good people but these and similar activities are where you can find the perverts hiding when they are not hiding right in your home. The transgender bathroom business especially where transgenders are going to attack females is a very large Red Herring. If they are violated in the female bathroom it will be by pedophiles the same as it has always been. Transgender people will also be in danger as they always have been. There is much ignorance in the world.

  18. 9:19 keep up the misinformation. Not!
    It IS transgenders we all have to worry about. As well as anyone involved in the PROMOTION of their personal deviant sexual behavior.
    Yes, I said deviant, unnatural, unusual, NOT normal, below acceptable societal norms. I guarantee transgenders will be a danger to society committing more offenses than normally adjusted individuals that do not engage in twisted perverted fantastical behavior that is not based in reality.
    Why is it people don't have the package to stand up and tell the truth anymore? Why do leftists want to degrade society by mainstreaming a very small subversive minority of perverted mentally corrupted LGBT promoters? It fits the lefts Marxist agenda of being useful idiots used to destroy the fabric of a once decent and wholesome capitalist nation that was a model society for the world. Simply put, they want power, but they (Communists) can't compete with capitalism. So they seeded our society with labor unions, black power movements like black lives matter, panthers, anti war movements of the 60's where the real message was "don't fight communist expansion" Vietnam. Etc, LGBT Crap. Problem is, too many people refuse to believe it and they are winning.
    Transgender and all.

  19. I will never spend another dollar there and its a shame because we love the zoo adjacent to the park as well as the park itself.Milton Hershey was a generous man who housed and educated many underprivileged youth and I somehow do not think he would be happy with this decision.Joe,I am going to sit back and laugh when all these public places see their business drop because of their adherence to this whole bathroom and gender nonsense.Only a damn Liberal would think allowing men in womens bathrooms in venues that cater almost exclusively to children was a good idea!

  20. I am thinking this could also cause a drop in Hershey's candy sales.

  21. We support Hobby Lobby and Chic-fil-a not because we agree with them but because they are not putting our children at risk. How can Hershey say they are dedicated to our safety and security with stupid policies like this. Might as well put up a sign that says rapist and pediphiles welcome. It is not the transgenders that worry us it's the perverts and rapist that will take advantage of this.

  22. As a concerned citizen and Grandpa I have the power to decide where my dollars will be spent!


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