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Monday, March 21, 2016

NYC Teacher Fined $300 for Showing Students Beheading Video

A New York City middle school teacher was fined $300 for showing students a video of an Islamic State beheading, according to a published report.

The New York Post reports that Alexiss Nazario, a veteran teacher earning $105,000 a year, showed the video to eighth-graders at the South Bronx Academy for Applied Media during the 2014-2015 school year.



  1. How else would one educate the students on the horrors of Sharia and Muslin intolerance of us Christians? I mean, the kids have to know how to vote in the next election, don't they? They need to know the dangers of open borders and illegal immigrants invading out Country.

    Pretty simple to me.

  2. I find it hard to believe that showing that film was an accident. She should not be teaching!

  3. That's an experience that can't be forgotten by her students.

  4. It is Middle school. Why would they have to see that kind of thing at school? I am 65 years old and I have never seen that kind of thing. $300.00 is not enough. map

  5. I disagree, sometimes the best way to get the message across, is a cold hard shot of reality. Would you rather your kids see it, or experience it firsthand?

  6. Every student in that class has internet access and has seen that and more while in middle school. Old people just don't get it.

  7. 11;26 Are you too scared of the truth? It is not something fun or nice to see. In fact it is down right sickening. But it is happening by the same people that Obama ls bringing over here to live off your tax money. Perhaps you should face reality.

  8. don't give them any ideas more than they already have.

  9. Its a "snuff" video. They are illegal in this country.

  10. I find it hard to believe that showing that film was an accident. She should not be teaching!

  11. These kids have seen far more and worse on the internet, what a bunch of jerks.


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