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Monday, March 21, 2016

Conservative Leader: “The Will Of The People Is Crap”

Mike Huckabee says that “when voters make a decision, you suck it up and accept it.”

The former governor may not know this, but I’m a voter. And my decision is to oppose Donald Trump. So he can suck it up and accept it. This “will of the people” stuff does nothing for me as the will of the people is the very mob rule our founders worked hard to constrain.

Let me show you a few emails from people I’ve gotten in the past few days.

I used to take your message as gospel. however, you have ignored the will of the people and have spoken against trump in your unbiased reporting. please understand that you are dividing the people. please look at the positives. we are tired of the same ole rhetoric. we need a business man to balance the budget and create jobs. please be more impartial.

Then this.

Hearing of Eric Ericsson’s “closed doors” meeting to decide how to defeat DonaldTrump and invalidate the voting public’s right to elect their leadership by trying to figure out how to accomplish THE MACHINE’s goals, of which you are all too clearly a member…….bitterly disappointed.

Do not underestimate the will and power of the people……we are not a figurehead Communist country where we “vote” just to make us feel powerful but the leaders are chosen without public input. You are signing a death warrant to your validity and integrity as a news reporting agency…….and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Then there is this one.

As a staunch conservative I am deeply angered by your absolute arrogance.You seem to think that you get to override the will of the people and that you can decide the outcome of the republican convention. By the way, I’m not an advocate for Trump. Other candidates were definitely my preference. But for you to think that you know better then the people and to disregard the votes of the Americans to impose your will on us. You have some nerve. People like you are the problem.



  1. So, Erick Erickson thinks his choice is above the majority's choice? I think he will be getting a lesson in reality real soon!

  2. Trump chose to run as a Republican. The Republicans have rules for when a candidate does not get the majority of the delegate count. Trump knows those rules, and knew them when he started his campaign. He can't try to change the rules in the middle of the game, and then suggest riots will result if the Republicans don't "give" him the nomination. Spoiled little rich boy. That's all he is. Now he's saying he will beat us up (fig.) if we don't give him his way.

  3. That's NOT what Trump's point is and if you think that simplistic reasoning can get traction, then you are in error.
    For your edification, Trump is saying that if he doesn't get the necessary 1237(?) delegates, but comes close, then the idea that the party can then "select" the guy they want (behind closed doors, of course), even if the VOTERS didn't like their pick, makes the entire primary process academic.
    No one is GIVING the spoiled rich boy anything. He's EARNING it.
    Our country is on such a path to great and noble deeds (thanks to the current batch of politicians) that if you like how we are doing, then vote for ANY of the POLITICIANS running. There is only ONE person running who is not a career politician. Notice how much they HATE that. Ask yourself why. And be truthful with yourself.
    Then ask the POLITICIAN that you love so much what THEIR role in our 20 trillion dollar debt and what have THEY done to curb dangerous elements from entering our country (and killing us). Or what THEY have done to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs. Or what they have done --- at all -- to support and stabilize the middle class (raising taxes to give MORE to people who have NEVER earned ANYTHING doesn't count and neither does their support for NAFTA, the Trans-Pacific
    Trade Agreement, or even the Iranian "treaty" that gave Iran 150 billion dollars). Ask them and then watch the way they squirm. You will NOT get a straight answer. Because they NEVER EVER intended to "represent" anyone except themselves. And THAT, my friends, is how we got to where we are today. And YOU want to elect some MORE career politicians??? LOL!
    You also probably ask the robber to shoot you one more time before he runs away, too, huh?
    Keep cheering. You'll get all that you deserve......


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