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Monday, March 21, 2016

Kudlow: US Needs 'Tough Guy With Fangs' to Enforce Free-Trade Deals

Newsmax Finance Insider and renowned economist Larry Kudlow says the United States needs a "tough guy" to enforce free-trade agreements and keep other nations, such as China, from stealing American jobs.

“The World Trade Organization has no teeth. We need fangs,” he said. “We need a tough guy who will put some enforcement in there,” he told CNBC on Thursday.

“What you have to do here is enact an enforcement mechanism that will put sanctions on individual companies wherever they are, whether it's China or Mexico, if they are violating the rules — which they do,” Kudlow, a CNBC senior contributor, said.



  1. That man would be Mr. Trump!

    How about getting rid of them completely?
    All the free trade deals from NAFTA on and been extremely disastrous for this country and it's citizens.


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