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Sunday, February 07, 2016

When 'Free' Windows 10 Becomes Expensive, You Should Fear This

Here is a date which should worry you: July 29th 2016. This is the date Microsoft MSFT +6.33% will start charging for Windows 10. Here is another date which should worry you more: July 17th, 2017. Why? Because it just made July 29th, 2016 one heck of a lot worse…

July 17th, 2017 is at the heart of perhaps Microsoft’s most disingenuous attempt yet to force users onto Windows 10. It has tried numerous tricks like automatically downloading Windows 10 on your computer and placing it in a secret folder (even if you declined the upgrade), and gradually reducing the ease of saying no with malware-like pop up choices such as ‘upgrade now’ or ‘upgrade tonight’ (see below).



  1. I had it on my other computer until a forced update crashed it. I dug out my old pc with 7 on it and I am gonna keep it 7

  2. I have installed it on two machines, works great !!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I have installed it on two machines, works great !!

    February 1, 2016 at 9:55 AM

    it does work for most people I guess but there are some like me who have issues

  4. Much better than Windows 8! Works great.

  5. Windows 10 works great. If you don't know how to use it, get an IT guy because Windows 10 isn't the problem you are.

  6. Windows 10 eliminated a few features that were on Windows 7 and 8.

    I imaged my machines, upgraded, captured, and then restored the original images. I have the upgrades stored away for the time that the microslobs get their heads out of their @$$es and start focusing on product improvement instead of produce deprecation!

  7. There's a GD reason they want it on your machine, folks.
    Who the hell knows what deceptive and depraved tentacles this beast spawns on a network. Or., who's got the key to your 'backdoor'. [I wouldn't plug my house into this crap]
    The author makes a great point in proposing that MS may take Win10 SaaS [Software as a Service].., you gotta pay for a subscription AND presumably have an internet connection to even use the OS in the future. Couple that with the fact Win10 is just Win8 with some 'bolt on' functions and the fact that MS has declined to comment on support questions and you've got a POS OS from another shady global corporation.

  8. Use your computer like you live your life. If you have nothing to be ashamed of you will not be concerned about what is on your computer. Windows 10 takes some getting use to but the older versions of windows will no longer be supported with updates and you will eventually be squeezed out and forced to use windows 10. Question....do you really expect things to be free forever in this country. Who has free water and power?

  9. My son is an IT expert with a masters , he has told me not to entertain the idea of 10.

    1. BS he'd be a lot more than an "IT expert" if he had a masters lol. Masters in what exactly?

    2. People if you're so unhappy with Microsoft get a Linux build. TONS of free options out there. I'd say check out Ubuntu. You can put it on a flash drive and boot right to it.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Windows 10 works great. If you don't know how to use it, get an IT guy because Windows 10 isn't the problem you are.

    February 1, 2016 at 10:43 AM

    well mr. know-it-all you better call microsoft and help them out since they are aware of the issues. dipwad

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    BS he'd be a lot more than an "IT expert" if he had a masters lol. Masters in what exactly?

    February 1, 2016 at 12:01 PM

    you don't even know what a master's is or what it entails. be quiet

  12. Once you go Mac, you never go back. Apple since 2009, will never go back to Microsoft.

  13. I was told by someone 'in the know', that 10 has embedded a way to 'watch' everything you do on your computer. I have Nothing to hide, but I don't want easier and easier ways for windows/government to see everything I do. Hence, no 10 for me.

  14. Two Things Could Be TrueFebruary 1, 2016 at 2:24 PM

    They've been fishing around your computer 218 since XP actually. With XP, it started narking on people with unlicensed and unauthenticated software that was shared on old sites like LimeWire. XP was the beginning of these impromptu audits done by Microsoft. Only repeat and heavy offenders of 'share ware' free programs were called out legally. The average person was not generally bothered or aware of this. The only way to not have this issue is buying a Mac. And even then, you just never know.

  15. Windows 10 Microsoft's step toward subscription based OS. You won't ever have the system installed on your machine and you will pay a subscription fee every year to use it.
    Microsoft is already pushing products like Office to the subscription based model. Have you seen Office 365? It is an online based Office product. You pay by the year to use Office 365

    I am slowly migrating away from Microsoft toward Ubuntu because of Microsoft's tactics. Screw Microsoft! I want an OS that doesn't spy on me, doesn't share my WiFi security code with everyone, and that I pay for once! Microsoft currently doesn't have anything to offer.

  16. 249, there is rumored devices in everything from appliances to televisions to cellular phones now. Unfortunately, its the double edged sword we call the Patriot Act. It allowed us all to be under surveillance morning, noon and night. For those law abiding citizens, this isn't a problem except for the feelings of violation.

  17. 3:11
    You missed my main point. Microsoft wants you to pay a subscription to use the OS.

    Do you own your record albums, or does your access to YOUR music stop when you stop paying the subscription?
    Apple is slowly moving toward "Cloud Based" ITunes

    Wake up people, these company are nothing but rent seekers!

    Anything that says "Cloud Based" means you don't have access to your stuff unless you have access to their servers.

  18. Some days it just pays to have grown up in the 60s. Hahaha


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