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Sunday, February 07, 2016

An Ex-Governor Sits, Alone and Unrecognized, at Gate C5 of Des Moines Airport

Martin O’Malley sat by himself Thursday at Gate C5 in the Des Moines International airport, rather hunched over.

His entourage, a single aide, had walked away and everyone waiting for the flight to Chicago ignored the former governor of Maryland who’s running to become the next U.S. president.

Maybe they didn’t pay attention to him because he wasn’t as striking at 8 a.m. as he is on TV, when his hair is combed just right, he is wearing a flashy necktie, and he looks perfectly tanned. Or maybe it is because his campaign is flagging. He is polling at just 3% of likely voters in Iowa, according to the most recent NBC/WSJ/Marist poll.

Maybe people just didn’t recognize him.



  1. He needs to go back and hang out with his peeps in baltimore

  2. Maybe he's a worthless POS and nobody wants him to do to the country what he did to Maryland!

  3. Yea, get a one way ticket home, he's never going to be president.

  4. Just maybe people of some intelligence realize that he is a radical liberal and they don't want anything to do with him.

  5. No one in their right mind would want anyone to see them acknowledging this nothing. He's a nothing. Has done nothing positive his whole life except suck off the tax payers. It's time for him to crawl back into the cess pool from where he emerged and take the other ghetto hustler his idol obama with him.

  6. Not that anyone cares,but presidential hopefuls have not always been successful on their first go round.Reagan ran in 1968 and 1976 before he finally won in 1980.The political climate is not appropriate for a Democratic presidency in 2016 and may never be again.

  7. This is freakin funny and how embarrassing for him and Maryland.

  8. He is just another in a string of fame-seeking "celebrity president" candidates. Clinton was one; Obama certainly was one also.
    It's not only on the Dem side: I feel the same way about Carson and Santorum.
    These people have next to nothing to offer Americans, and run just on their inflated egos.
    O'Malley is the absolute perfect case for this.

  9. Just as I said-he will never break double digits in the polls. Take note Ireton. Take note and take it good if you know what's best for you. This will be you! Oh yes it will! You will barely break double digits if that in the democrat congressional primary. Ireton is nothing more than a foolish useful idiot same as his idol O'Mally. Ireton should be on his knees thanking God that the voters of Salisbury who supported him are semi illiterate backwards low information suckers of the system just like himself and that's the only reason the degenerate got elected.

  10. Huh 11:11? Anyone with an inflated ego is not going to run for president. Those with inflated egos stay far far away from what's not certain. People with inflated egos do not like to lose and won't ever put themselves in a position where the odds are so against them. Delusional is more like it.

  11. O'Malley's comment in the article about "the Party" is what struck me. Wouldn't let a debate be held on a weeknight, huh? PLEASE tell me that's not the reason you think you couldn't gain ground.

    The reality, Governor, is your Party made up it's mind that it wanted Hillary. You, Governor, helped build that party and that mentality.

    You did some good things. And a lot of screwed up things. But like your protege Ireton, you put that party first, over everyday people in your own state. In that respect, you made me ashamed to be a Democrat.

    Bernie Sanders is sticking it to the Democrat Party and I hope he pulls it off. I don't agree with him on many things, but I believe he is a better choice than Hillary or any of the Republicans. I would have happily crossed party lines for someone good, but none of the front runners are. Even Rand Paul has grown on me, but he is too far back.

  12. He could sit in his home state airport B.W.I and not be recognized

  13. 115 wow people like you really exist! You want a socialist 80 year old president that is going to raise taxes on everyone...

    1. Yep and if he makes hillary VP Guess who becomes president when ole weekend at bernies has a stroke???

  14. 115 how do you feel about Bernies spending of campgain funds during his elections? Almost 100k given to wife and daughter of campaign money or the all inclusive resort he funneled to..

  15. Too bad we can't say his presence was not undetected in Maryland. Unfortunately, it was all too well --- in the pocketbook.

  16. Makes me want to cry...NOT!!!

  17. They were scared he might steal their furniture.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This arrogant man is to stupid to accept reality! He is not well liked or admired; ask any Marylander. His ego and arrogance is repulsive, thinking that anyone would support him. His record as mayor and governor shows how bad he actually was. O'Malley please just go away and find something else to do NO ONE LIKES YOU!

    February 1, 2016 at 9:40 AM

    Oh Really! Not well liked in Maryland? You idiots voted for him twice just like Obama and put up with him for 18 years!!

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    O'Malley's comment in the article about "the Party" is what struck me. Wouldn't let a debate be held on a weeknight, huh? PLEASE tell me that's not the reason you think you couldn't gain ground.

    The reality, Governor, is your Party made up it's mind that it wanted Hillary. You, Governor, helped build that party and that mentality.

    You did some good things. And a lot of screwed up things. But like your protege Ireton, you put that party first, over everyday people in your own state. In that respect, you made me ashamed to be a Democrat.

    Bernie Sanders is sticking it to the Democrat Party and I hope he pulls it off. I don't agree with him on many things, but I believe he is a better choice than Hillary or any of the Republicans. I would have happily crossed party lines for someone good, but none of the front runners are. Even Rand Paul has grown on me, but he is too far back.

    February 1, 2016 at 1:15 PM

    Please name one thing that O'Malley did? Just one good thing please.

    And you hope Bernie Sanders wins? You must be one of those free loading Socialists Democrats that wants some free sh!t!!

  20. February 1, 2016 at 12:00 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    O'Malley's comment in the article about "the Party" is what struck me. Wouldn't let a debate be held on a weeknight, huh? PLEASE tell me that's not the reason you think you couldn't gain ground.

    The reality, Governor, is your Party made up it's mind that it wanted Hillary. You, Governor, helped build that party and that mentality.

    You did some good things. And a lot of screwed up things. But like your protege Ireton, you put that party first, over everyday people in your own state. In that respect, you made me ashamed to be a Democrat.

    Bernie Sanders is sticking it to the Democrat Party and I hope he pulls it off. I don't agree with him on many things, but I believe he is a better choice than Hillary or any of the Republicans. I would have happily crossed party lines for someone good, but none of the front runners are. Even Rand Paul has grown on me, but he is too far back.

    February 1, 2016 at 1:15 PM

    Bernie Sanders has never owned a business, never invented anything, never had a 9 to 5 job, never proposed a bill that passed in his 25 years of office. Bernie Sanders lived off welfare and he is running for president on a platform that guarantees a losers life just like him. I guess you fit the bill you Douce Bag!!

  21. but the colonel does make some damn good chicken


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