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Sunday, February 07, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Keenwick On The Bay: UPDATE

I just heard on my scanner of a structure fire in Keenwick On The Bay off Rt. 54. They called into Ocean City asking for support with Ocean City's fire boat. Response back was fire boat is unavailable.


  1. LOL @ "fire boat is unavailable"

  2. You wouldn't LOL if that was your property.

  3. Wonder what their excuse will be this time.

  4. first of all, i'll never have to worry about a fire boat being sent, or NOT sent to my property. i'm not one of the "elite" people who has a waterfront home.

    but, i do feel bad for the people who's house is burning.

    my "LOL" was more directed at the fact that the dang fire boats seem to be "unavailable" more than they're "available"! especially when it counts! (fires, life-saving, etc...)

    this isn't the first time this has happened with local fire departments! but i'm sure that when the agencies put in for FUNDING these holes in the water, they were singing a different tune!!

    my apologies to the home owners.

  5. Only human life has value, property is meaningless.

  6. What about this isn't funny?

  7. The OC Fire boat was hauled out of the water just this morning for maintenance.

  8. I don't think the fire boat would have been able to help.

  9. Hold on! Salisbury can have its boat there by Wednesday afternoon.

  10. Remodeling season, always before tourists season.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Hold on! Salisbury can have its boat there by Wednesday afternoon.

    February 1, 2016 at 3:52 PM

    Of next week. They are still waiting for their first real fire call.

    The S.S. Richard A. Hoppes is responding. LOL

    That Salisbury fire boat is just like Hoppes. Fat, Lazy and never works.

  12. Why don't those buildings have a sprinkler system? Every time they catch on fire they burn bad.

  13. Toured a home in Keenwick.....was not impressed with the building materials. That may be the reason it went up so fast.

  14. Those houses should never have been built in the first place. Located in wetlands and will be blown away when a real storm finally hits scum city.

  15. 8:39
    From some other pictures that I saw the house looked like it has been there a while and the larger ones were built around it. It was much smaller than any of the one you see in this picture.

  16. Has the S.S. Richard A. Hoppes from the Salisbury Fire Department arrived on scene yet?


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