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Thursday, February 04, 2016

What voters know about Hillary Clinton: She's a crook

This has not been a good week for Hillary Clinton.

She prevailed over Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Iowa Democratic presidential caucuses by less than four tenths of one percent of all votes cast, after having led him in polls in Iowa at one time by 40 percentage points.

In her statement to supporters, standing in front of her gaunt and listless looking husband, she was not able to mouth the word “victory” or any of its standard variants. She could barely hide her contempt for the Iowa Democrats who disserted her.

Sanders isn’t even a Democrat. According to official Senate records, he is an “Independent Socialist” who votes to organize the Senate with the Democrats, and sits on the Senate floor with them.

Clinton, of course, is the heiress to the mightiest Democratic political apparatus in the land. Hence the question: What do the Iowa Democrats know that caused thousands of them to flee from her?

They know she is a crook.



  1. "...disserted her?"
    Yes, it is a word, but not the word they wanted. Does anyone proofread anymore?

  2. Hillary is a crook.
    Yes, going back to her first government job, working on the Watergate prosecution case, where she lied, hid evidence and was fired for it with a scathing non-recommendation for further work as an attorney. After that, it was all downhill.

  3. Actually the paper that endorsed her is now asking for a county by county recount of the Democrat election! So we'll see what happens!

  4. It'll be a pleasure to see her face on a wanted poster.

  5. Better link:


  6. Two words, Hillary:


    Four words, Hillary:
    "That's what they offered."

    Go, Bernie!


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