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Thursday, February 04, 2016

In First U.S. Mosque Visit, Obama Says Muslims Unfair Targets Of Suspicion

CATONSVILLE, Md. (AP) — President Barack Obama sought Wednesday to correct what he called a "hugely distorted impression" of Muslim-Americans as he made his first visit to a U.S. mosque. He said those who demonize all Muslims for the acts of a few are playing into extremists' hands.

Inserting himself into a debate that has ricocheted in the presidential campaign, Obama told parishioners at a mosque outside Baltimore that he'd heard from young Muslims worried they'll be rounded up and kicked out of the country. He said Muslims, too, are concerned about the threat of terrorism but are too often blamed as a group "for the violent acts of the very few."

"We've seen children bullied, we've seen mosques vandalized," Obama said, warning that such unequal treatment for certain groups in society tears at the nation's fabric. "That's not who we are."

For Muslim advocates, Obama's visit was a long-awaited gesture to a community that has warned of escalating vitriol against them that has accompanied the public's concern about the Islamic State and other extremist groups. Although Obama has visited mosques overseas in the past, he waited until his final year in office to make such a visit at home, reflecting the issue's sensitive political implications.



  1. He said those who demonize all Muslims for the acts of a few are playing into extremists' hands.

    but yet the NRA and gun owners are the devil

  2. He and his anti American crew pick a mosque where terrorism was taught amazing and treasonous.

  3. Where are the so called moderate Muslims million man March against radical Islam? Nowhere.

  4. the greatest muslim pres in us history

  5. Proves he is one of them.

  6. I listened to his speech ....did either of you?

  7. 4:53 Yes I did and he is a liar.

  8. funny how they say all Muslims arent bad but wont speak out against the ones that are

  9. hes worried about muslim children being bullied but not about americans having their heads cut off, whats that tell u


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