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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Refresh of Fager’s Island finished, will open Feb. 11

It’s unusual, and a little unnerving, to see Fager’s Island on 60th Street completely deserted.

Since Jan. 3, the Ocean City landmark has been closed to undergo what owner John Fager calls “an interior refresh.”

Functionally, it means fresh coats of paint, new flooring, a revamped VIP area, a new main bar and some upgrades to the outdoor bars; but to the casual observer not many of the changes will be obvious.

“This is the longest we’ve been closed in 40 years,” Fager said. “It was time for some upgrades.”

The main bar has been pushed out six inches, which provides a surprising amount of space for bartenders, and is awaiting a new bar top. The floor under the bar has been completely replaced, owing to decades of drips, drops and spills. The bar fixtures are all cantilevered, which means no legs on sinks or basins eating up space or tripping up bartenders. The lines servicing the taps and dispensers are now moved inside the bar itself to save space.


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