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Saturday, February 06, 2016

A Stunning Announcement Was Just Made About Fox News That Will Enrage The Liberal Media

After several days in the vortex of political passions stirred up by the feud between Fox News and Donald Trump, the former will finally have something a lot less controversial to talk about.

When the January ratings are released Wednesday, Fox News is expected to be the number one cable network in America for the 14th straight year, Adweek has reported. Fox News, launched in 1996, has been on top since January 2002, the first time it surpassed CNN.

In light of the achievement, Adweek released a snippet of an interview it had in November with Fox News CEO & Chairman Roger Ailes, in which he reminisced about a phone call from News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch that led to the founding of the channel.



  1. Don't worry since Megan Kelly made a horses A $$ out of herself and fox they won't have that award next year. ONE AMERICAN NEWS WHAT FOX USED TO BE.

  2. after filthary wins, she will shut down all news networks except for the Clinton News Network

  3. The libs are working on filtering info already on sites such as this. It won't be long.


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