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Saturday, February 06, 2016

"Gotta Cover our ass." - Connecticut State Police


  1. Organized Gang Backed by the Law . POLICE !

  2. These dumb SS troopers thought that "state property" isn't "public property". here's a clue for the Gestapo ----its ALL public property.

    ANY and ALL property bought by the State was purchased with TAX dollars (that's "we, the people' money, not the "state's money"). WE own it.
    Secondly, you got a good opportunity to see the "behind the scenes" actions of the police, who after harassing a citizen (who was not breaking ANY law), have to have a conference to decide how they can concoct SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to justify a ticket or an arrest. "...does he have any grudges...."??? Really!? WTF is THAT???
    To enforce the law, one should actually KNOW the law. But when you have an "I can do anything to anyone anytime I want" badge, the law is secondary to your ego tripping "WE ARE THE POLICE!!" attitude.
    Further, when you need a CONFERENCE to bat around ideas about what ticky-tack charge you can stick on someone who dared to challenge your "authority", you might consider doing the right thing, which is apologize to an INNOCENT citizen for your storm trooper intimidation BS.
    They even made up a story about "multiple" complaints from citizens about a guy "pointing a gun" and "having his hand on his gun". Of course, not a single citizen to back up the lie. Lying is now a storm trooper skill set? I hope a judge sees this tape and it opens his eyes on the "sworn to tell the truth" testimony of police.
    Keep cheering.


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