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Sunday, February 07, 2016

NBC Comedy Suggests Jesus Was Gay -- Would They Dare Say It About Muhammad?

Wow. NBC went there. The freshman comedy Superstore went out of its way to offend Christians by having characters opine on Jesus’ beliefs about gays – including suggesting that Jesus Himself was gay! 

To set the scene, in the episode “Wedding Day Sale,” Glenn, the religious store manager, enlists the help of Mateo, a gay employee, in creating a special gay wedding section. 

Glenn explains, “I just want everyone who comes into this store to feel accepted,” which is a fine sentiment and a great way for a manager to treat his customers. But it leads to this discussion about Jesus being pro-gay marriage, pro-gay adoption, and maybe was even gay himself – a statement that FINALLY makes Glenn uncomfortable. 


  1. This kind of thing is normal for Holly Wood.
    It has always been owned by Zionists, and they hate Christianity and Jesus Christ.

  2. Yeah, let's hear them say it.

  3. Boycotting NBC and Megan Kelly.

  4. 7:20 Don't forget Donut Connection because they didn't have any Christmas donuts. Oh and Oreos for having rainbow colors. For Jesus teaching all about love, Christians do a whole lot of hating.

    1. Thanks Obama and I am a atheist. )

    2. Screw Obama, and I am an atheist.

  5. 7:32 that's why we hate you - for posting such ignorance.

    1. That "hate" is part of any religion, or that one bases their preconceptions and opinions on the ideology of a religion, is exactly why religion is the reason there will never be "peace on earth". Ever.

  6. Discusting !!!!!!!

  7. 6:32 spouting off everything he doesn't know about Zionists, thereby revealing himself to be anti-Semitic.

    Just love it when people toss around labels and know not what they mean.

  8. Read hidden dangers of the rainbow and do some research you ll see what we are up against


  9. NBC is owned by Comcast. Draw your own conclusions. Or, withhold your support in a way they can see and understand. I don't miss them and life goes on.

  10. There will be peace on earth when Jesus returns and reigns for 1,000 years.


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