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Sunday, February 07, 2016

DC bill would pay people stipends not to commit crimes

WASHINGTON (AP) — They say crime doesn't pay, but that might not be entirely true in the District of Columbia as lawmakers look for ways to discourage people from becoming repeat offenders.

The D.C. Council voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a bill that includes a proposal to pay residents a stipend not to commit crimes. It's based on a program in Richmond, California, that advocates say has contributed to deep reductions in crime there.

Under the bill, city officials would identify up to 200 people a year who are considered at risk of either committing or becoming victims of violent crime. Those people would be directed to participate in behavioral therapy and other programs. If they fulfill those obligations and stay out of trouble, they would be paid.

The bill doesn't specify the value of the stipends, but participants in the California program receive up to $9,000 per year.



  1. here's a chance for you cops to make some extra money

  2. Anonymous Steve said...
    Ah, NO!

    February 3, 2016 at 10:28 PM

    yeah I know. where's the fun in that right? you would rather 'earn' your ill gotten gain

    1. Fool,ever I guess you where never brought up to EARN nothing just sitting back complaining about the" Man" but want the man's $$$$$

  3. You must be kidding, give them more of our taxpayer money so that they could buy the drugs instead of robbing or killing someone for them.


  4. What if we paid elected representatives not to come up with stupid ideas?

    Oh, wait...they're already cashing the checks.

  5. More Reparations.

  6. And it passed, pay us not to kill us.

  7. Time for cops to clean house.

  8. At what point do you stop paying taxes? This is insane, we already give people more money than they need. We are now going to give them more? How is this going to help in the long run? If they hit a bump in the road and need some extra cash they will still rob and steal because, you only get penalized if you get caught. And of course all criminals think they will not be caught.

  9. They are already getting paid not to commit crimes , they get welfare , food stamps , housing , medical and much more.

  10. IF they get " caught "

  11. Lets not stop there; how about if you pay your rent or mortgage on time for 6 months 1 free month. If you pay you utilities on time 1 free month. If you pay your insurance on time and file no claims they send you half of your money back each year. Only in America do we award $$ to laziness and idiots. We were all taught to be responsible and respect the rules and laws. You don't reward people for doing what that are supposed to do!

  12. The cops clean house it's the court revolving door system letting us down.Million dollar bond for trafficking cigarettes but 35,000 bond for rape.

    1. It's idiot judges to blame for that travesty. Unbelievable, the difference in bond, for nonviolent or status offenses, vs. real criminal behavior.

  13. Single males without children living with them, can't get the whole "free ride" of welfare, food stamps, free housing, etc etc. Not unless they have a "disability" of some sort. Which has included "alcoholism" and other addictions, as well as low IQ, and various claims of unprovable maladies.

    Based on the income they do report (if any!) they might get $16 a month in food stamps, and of course the "obamaphone".

    So of course it's in their best interest to have a few baby mamas on the dole, to guarantee they've got a free place to live, food and that EBT for the miscellaneous "necessities". He runs around on her, she kicks his worthless @ss to the curb, he can always crash with one of the other baby mamas.

    That's the only "institutional" detriment to becoming productive, responsible members of society. It's not "racism" just because blacks are proportionately (and in actual numbers at this point) more likely to choose the welfare lifestyle. It's because the welfare system, or "institution", makes it in the best interest of lazy, stupid people of all races, not to form permanent monogamous relationships in which to have and raise children, nor to actively look for ways to improve one's opportunities by self-betterment and education.

    Easier to sit back and blame others, especially white people, for the "privileges" they haven't EARNED.

  14. You have got to be kidding me. Paying criminals. Every lazy jerk around is going to claim to be a criminal. Politicians. Brainless twits.

  15. I'm quitting my job and becoming a criminal.


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