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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Deadly Batch Of Heroin Laced With Painkiller Hitting Md. Streets

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A dramatic surge in heroin deaths is happening across the country. Health officials warn it’s because of a lethal new trend–spiking heroin with powerful painkillers.

Dozens of Marylanders have already died.

Christie Ileto has more on the deadly drug mixture.

Health officials say that combination is deadly. And it’s not just happening in one part of Maryland, but across the state.

State health officials say a deadly batch of heroin is hitting Maryland streets. The already potent drug is now being laced with fentanyl–a powerful painkiller.



  1. Just what the addicts want, a batch better than any other.

  2. IF it's painless could it be used for lethal injections?

  3. Wow.....Doesn't surprise me about CBS. Mainstream media. This isn't a new phenomenon. Dealers have been lacing heroin with fentanyl for years. The amount of the cut is the issue. Understand that heroin dealers are more organized than ever. They have even been branding their drugs. That's right. When you see a heroin bag containing a piece of cardboard stamped with a flame, be sure that any other bags you see with the same markings come from the same dealer. Maybe not at the street level but at a higher level where large amounts are broken up into smaller amounts for street level sales where the cutting occurs. This is called branding. When the user buys the same brand, he is betting that the same brand contains the same blend or potency. The problem is that there is no quality control. There also is no supply chain that guarantees that the same brand will be available all the time. It's not like buying Wonder bread at the corner store. The result is that users are constantly exposed to the risk of getting a batch of heroin that contains a much higher dose of fentanyl. It's a crap shoot. The result is an increasing number of overdoses nationwide.

  4. 8:04 I disagree. There is quality control. The US govt is assuring that we get the best heroin from Afghanistan. Just like they made sure we were getting the best cocaine from Central America in the 80's.

  5. First,look at how we vote as a consensus.We elect Democrats,and for some odd reason overdoses in areas governed by Democrats are always double that of areas governed by Republicans.Coincidence or not that's a fact.How hard can not taking drugs be,seriously? I used to drink way too much,but I never used any other drug and I quit drinking completely.

  6. The only way Heroin can kill you is if you shoot it into your veins.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    First,look at how we vote as a consensus.We elect Democrats,and for some odd reason overdoses in areas governed by Democrats are always double that of areas governed by Republicans.Coincidence or not that's a fact.How hard can not taking drugs be,seriously? I used to drink way too much,but I never used any other drug and I quit drinking completely.

    February 4, 2016 at 8:34 AM

    Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!

    Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.

    Again, Democrats are the problem!

  8. NOT TRUE 8:57. This is a myth. "Skin popping" or "muscle popping" will produce the same effects as IV use minus the rush and it will take a bit to kick in. People do overdose because they shoot more, not realizing the heroin will eventually kick in.
    Another myth I've been hearing about, is a shot of meth will reverse an overdose. Someone becomes unresponsive and the friends they shot up w/will give them a shot of meth. This combination is deadly. Several people have been arrested and charged throughout the country w/manslaughter for doing this.

  9. 8:20 the "quality control" issue isn't with the base heroin......it's with the cutting agents

  10. @ 8:04

    It is absolutely NOTHING like buying a loaf of Wonder bread at the corner store.

  11. I watched an episode of Drug Inc that was filmed in Baltimore awhile back. The dealer very nonchalantly spoke of testers. These are addicts who voluntarily test out the heroin for free and sometimes it does kill them. When this occurs the dealer then knows the heroin is too powerful and takes steps to make it less so. The dealer was unconcerned and just chalked it up to doing business.

  12. Try not buying and picking up the needle? .

  13. 10:40 if only it were that easy. I am a recovering addict with 3 years clean and let me tell you, it's not a matter of willpower. Addiction is a disease and is recognized as such. Look it up.

  14. 1003...reread that comment...TRY NOT PICKING UP NEEDLES. Its really not that hard. No one fwels bad for smokers that get lung cancer or sun bunnies that get skin cancer and no one feels sorry for some one with the "addiction disease"...its not a diseaae you caught.. you purposley gave it to yourself and ruined your life and your familys.


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