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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

American School Forces Female Students To Wear The Hijab – Because… World Hijab Day

Over my dead body. A school in New York is celebrating World Hijab Day and is asking all women to wear the traditional head covering of Muslims. It is a sign of submission and conversion. Yeah, I want my daughter treated like a sex slave and as something less than human. That’s how women are treated in the Ummah. Parents were not consulted over this move by the school and they are way less than thrilled over the development. Even some of the teachers are outraged over it. Jim Farnholz, who has taught for over 30 years, is quoted as saying, “This is wrong on so many levels. All religions are taught in our global studies classes. That being said, that is where understanding, tolerance and the good and bad of religion and history are taught.” This is just massively wrong.



  1. Yeh right after yamica day and rosary day. More dangers of the rainbow..educate yourself and find out what the dangers of the rainbow movement is about. Its all around us chipping away at our souls.

  2. All parents with female students should just keep them home that day or just file a law suit based on the liberals view of seperation of church and state!

  3. All parents of every student, male AND female should boycott school on those days. This is an insult to everyone.
    The teachers and staff can watch movies of the enforcement of Sharia Law all day while the kids are at home.

  4. Why not just bring back Catechism and Catholic classes? Same thing.

    If you do one, you must do the other.

  5. Hijabs are a symbol of abuse of women.

  6. 10:06 NOT the same thing.

  7. I'm pretty sure that there are attorney daddys at this school. Tie this POS educational system up with litigation, make them pay to play their foolish PC games.


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