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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

More grandparents taking on parental role for grandchildren

When Debra Aldridge became her grandson’s primary caregiver, she was making $7.50 per hour as a cook. The alternative for the newborn, she was told, was to put him up for adoption.

“I took one look at the little fella, and that was it,” said Aldridge, now 62. “I couldn’t let go.”

For more than 11 years, Aldridge, who is divorced and lives in Chicago, has struggled to feed, house and clothe her “baby,” Mario. As she ages, Aldridge sinks deeper into poverty.

Nationwide, 2.7 million grandparents are raising grandchildren, and about one-fifth of those have incomes that fall below the poverty line, according to census figures.

Their ranks are increasing. The number of grandparents raising grandchildren is up 7 percent from 2009. Experts say the trend is likely to continue as the nation responds to the opiate epidemic. Military deployment and a growth in the number of women incarcerated are other factors forcing grandparents to step into parental roles.



  1. This wrong on so many levels, parents shouldn't be having kids if they aren't going to raise them. Us old folks did our time, it is now our time to relax and enjoy or sunset years. Raising someone else's kids is not our job, you had the child or children because you wanted them, now raise them. Don't have children for me, I already did it.

    1. I agree!! Had my kids at 19 & 21 they are now 12 & 15 my husband(their father) and I raise them. My son (who is pretty awesome) took/takes care of his grandparents house/dog on the weekends in January and has been taking care of my mom his grandmother on the weekends since she got out of john Hopkins 3 weeks ago...brain aneurysm (3 of them no use of her right eye). I'd hate for my parents to to take care of my kids because I couldn't/wouldn't! I do have lots of respect for grandparents raising their grandkids and y'all are good people for doing it but it wasn't your job!! But glad you stepped up!!

  2. This is hardly news to anyone. Or maybe that it's just so prevalent in these parts that it seems the norm.

  3. 7:11, You have NO IDEA what you're missing. I'd raise every single one of my Grandchildren. Enjoy your TV remote and discount coupons.

  4. We sit our grandchildren , now we sit our a great granddaughter.
    It's nice to be able to do this. Of course we will spoil her , that's the name of the game.

  5. Dear 7:08
    Times have changed , both parents need to work to survive.
    When you vote , try the republican ticket . I'm 73 and still bay sit ,
    it keeps me young at heart.


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