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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Employers can expect health insurance premiums to rise 5% a year over the next decade

Premiums for employer-provided health insurance will increase around 5 percent a year over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

This year, the average premium for employment-based insurance will be $6,400 for single coverage and $15,500, according to CBO. By 2025, that will increase to $10,000 for single coverage and $24,500 for family coverage.

The cost of insurance in the individual market is expected to increase at an annual rate of 6 percent over the next decade, according to CBO.

So much for President Barack Obama’s claim that the Affordable Care Act would reduce health care costs. Instead, Obamacare’s impact on health insurance premiums is mixed, according to CBO.



  1. I would be happy with 5% per year! I bet it goes up alot more than that!

  2. The only way it went down was going to a lesser plan that covers less. My companies went up 17% for like in kind

  3. 702 this means to have less coverage or you have a higher deductible.

  4. my company had a 26.5 percent increase this year

  5. Sure Drew and how much did your deductible rise...

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 16, 2016 at 7:37 PM

    Would the salaries of working people go up 5% every year? Whatever happened to the cost of living adjustment? Gone and no more. Most people salaries been staying the same for last few years, wbile the price of goods and services went up big. About some 100 years ago, in 1914, any working American kept 100% of his income, government collected NO INCOME TAX and was doing just fine. Look at it now.

  7. "So much for President Barack Obama’s claim that the Affordable Care Act would reduce health care costs."

    No, his claim was that the ACA would "bend the curve" and begin to reduce the rate of increase. If you recall, before ACA, most premiums went up by 5-10% EVERY YEAR.

    The cost of insurance is controlled by the PRIVATE insurance industry. Don't like it? Advocate for a single payer system and put the profit-focused insurance companies out of business.

  8. I know how you can spend $2500 less each year for the same coverage.

    Just go to www.BarackObama.com/health ! They will show you the way!


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