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Saturday, February 06, 2016

County, resort hoping for recycling law relief

Ocean City’s discontinuation of its recycling program in 2009 to save millions in equipment and collections costs, could open some special events organizers to fines of $50 a day, unless Worcester County and Ocean City are exempted from a state recycling mandate passed in 2014.

Now working its way through the General Assembly are cross-filed bills from Sen. Jim Mathias, Delegates Mary Beth Carozza and Charles Otto that would relieve the county — and through it, Ocean City — from that obligation.

The measures would allow Worcester County to be exempted from statewide mandates to provide dedicated recycling containers and collections for special events held on public property.

The county commissioners voted unanimously on Tuesday to send a letter of support to Mathias, Carozza and Otto along with a suggested amendment further exonerating the county from the recycling plan.


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