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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Obama: Michelle Will Not Run for President

It used to be that death and taxes were the only certain things in life, but for President Barack Obama there is a third: Michelle Obama will not run for president.

With Obama now in his final year in office, the focus naturally has shifted to who will succeed him. At a town hall event Thursday with Louisiana residents, Obama was asked if there's any chance he could talk the first lady into running.

His answer? An emphatic "no."

"There are three things that are certain in life: Death, taxes and Michelle is not running for president," he said. "That I can tell you."



  1. He's probably lying again. After all, he is a Democrat.

  2. Hillary said the same thing and look what we have now. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she didn't try to run some time down the road. She certainly seems ambitious enough.

  3. If I never see either one of them again it will be too soon.

  4. Michelle is just as qualified as Barack. She led a girl scout troop.


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