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Saturday, January 16, 2016

NBC Scrapped Story About Bill Clinton Rape Accuser Because She Didn’t Have ‘Anything New’ To Say

NBC News journalists — including veteran reporter Andrea Mitchell — conducted interviews last week with Juanita Broaddrick, the Arkansas woman who says Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, but decided not to go forward with a story, claiming that there was not “anything new” to report.

“When Juanita Broaddrick went public last week, NBC News sent an associate producer to Arkansas to see if there was anything new in her story. We established there was not, and decided not to pursue it any further,” an NBC spokesperson told BuzzFeed News.

Broaddrick, a 73-year-old retired nursing home administrator, spoke out on Twitter last Wednesday after 17 years of silence about the alleged rape.

“I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73…. it never goes away,” Broaddrick wrote in a tweet that has been shared 13,000 times.



  1. Andrea feared Hillary would surgically remove the thrill up her leg and Bill may not pinch her fanny anymore.

  2. What any Clinton victim has to say may not be new, it should be covered as a stark contrast to Hillary's verb about being out there for the women! She knew what was going on... it's not as if she was Ted Bundy's girlfriend with no clue of what Bill was doing. He has a long running history of skirt chasing even before the WH. The whole affair(s) should be scrutinized because as a woman, knowing this was happening, she was lending her complicity to the abuse.

    If she's not strong enough or capable enough to decide to leave abusive situation, how can people expect her to be competent enough to be in the top position leading this country? Putin and other world leaders are certainly more powerful and bulliesque than her husband. Can she really have the gumption to stand up to them? I think not.


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