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Saturday, January 16, 2016

One Chart Shows How Incredible Hillary's Collapse Has Become

A new chart posted by The Washington Post shows in stark terms how severely Hillary Clinton is collapsing in the polls. It’s not simply comparable to 2008. It’s much, much worse.

While Clinton ultimately lost the nomination narrowly to Barack Obama in 2008, she actually held a national lead of about 20 points all the way up to the Iowa caucuses. This time around, her national lead is disintegrating with the caucuses still almost three weeks away.

Hillary Clinton's national lead is slipping faster in 2016 than it did in 2008 https://t.co/QPYUrkFke7 pic.twitter.com/ub9xkH6Ogf

— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) January 14, 2016

Clinton’s situation in New Hampshire is also worse than in 2008. In 2008, she held a consistent lead in polls until immediately before the primary vote (and ultimately won the state). In 2016, Clinton has been trailing for over a month, with little improvement.



  1. If true, then perhaps honesty traits in our leaders do mean something to voters.

    You know, if in the beginning she admitted her shortcomings with the various issues and problems, it would've been much more forgiving; however, the continual subterfuge, smoke and mirrors has only dug her deeper into the cesspool. She has proven herself unworthy of the Presidential spot.

    Numbers don't mean beans until we reach the end of the day. However, it is refreshing to see some are waking up to the cold water being splashed on their faces.

  2. My wish is for her to do Hard Time !


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