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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Montel Williams Says He’s ‘Totally Fine With a Massive Use of Deadly Force in Oregon to Take Out Ammon Bundy’

As the armed occupation of a federal building in a national wildlife refuge in Oregon continues, TV talk show host Montel Williams took to Twitter on Sunday with some blunt solutions to the situation:

Ammon Bundy — the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a 2014 standoff with the government over grazing rights — is among the people at the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. It was unclear exactly how many people were taking part in the protests.
 Bundy and other militia members came to Burns last month, a small town about 280 miles southeast of Portland, Oregon. They were upset over the looming prison sentences for local ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond. They went to the wildlife refuge Saturday evening following a peaceful rally in Burns to support the ranchers.



  1. He's one of the few commissioned officers that would order his troops to fire against American citizens!

  2. Good thing he's not in charge, then.

  3. If it were a black lives matter takeover he would have never said a word.

  4. Would Montel's position change if the occupiers were black? Curious.

  5. As if anyone cares what Montel Williams thinks or says.

  6. The white silent majority is getting ready to rise up. We are tired of the communist government that recognizes blacks only .
    This is just the beginning , as far a Montel , he is just a pimp for the media. The National Guard doesn't have any ammo for rifles. If they do , and they fire , they will be defeated very quickly.
    Also Mr. Montel , " White Lives Matter".

  7. Would he have said the same concerning the rioters and looter in Baltimore and Ferguson?

  8. Bundy should be labeled a terrorist.

  9. It is much too easy for people to comment in a national and international way to a large audience. This includes Montel and some of the people on here. If more effort was required we would see more intelligent commentary or sometimes and even better, none at all.

  10. 12:57 You should be labled an idiot or as your commie commrades would say: A useless eater.

  11. Montel probably voted for " hope and change", twice

  12. Good idea. Welcome to the second american civil war!
    He should keep his stupid comments to himself!

  13. Go away Montel. You are part of the problem for sure.

  14. This is the same guy that tweeted on Nov. 20th if the government makes Muslims carry ID cards he would take up arms against the government....

  15. Peaceful "civil disobedience" has a long history in establishing non-violent resistance to government overreach.

  16. If these Idiots were Black they would have already bombed the place. You people are a sick lot who hate facing reality , You need need look at yoursleves the real RACISTS.


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