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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Armed Protesters Take Over Fed Building in Oregon, Vow to Stay 'As Long as It Takes'

Armed protesters have taken over a federal building in a wildlife refuge in Oregon and vowed to occupy it for “as long as it takes.”

The occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge came shortly after 300 marchers paraded through Burns in support of father and son ranchers who are facing a 5-year prison sentence for setting fire to 130 acres of land.

The protester speaking for the group is Ammon Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who clashed with the feds two years ago.



  1. The Feds are making sure that We, the People's militia will continue to grow,flourish, and be a reckoning force when the time comes. These attempts only serve to strengthen us.

  2. Lock them in there. No power, gas, water, food. They'll come out eventually. Take their guns and send them home with their asses dragging like the naughty children they are.

    1. Next time the "occupy" 'tards start acting up again, that sounds like a plan.

  3. I'm really really exited about this! It's time for the revalution! Let's show Obama and the liberrals what wear about!!

  4. Anonymous said...
    I'm really really exited about this! It's time for the revalution! Let's show Obama and the liberrals what wear about!!

    January 3, 2016 at 10:06 PM

    You are really really exited? Does that mean you like exiting the door twice?

  5. Anonymous said...
    Lock them in there. No power, gas, water, food. They'll come out eventually. Take their guns and send them home with their asses dragging like the naughty children they are.

    January 3, 2016 at 9:30 PM

    Must be a liberal nut job!

    1. And damned proud of it!

    2. Wow and your proud of it too!! You people never cease to amaze me. I bet you will vote for Clinton to!

  6. Its absolutely terrifying to see how many people agree with what this tyrannical government is doing. Agenda 21 is in full swing and if you don't know what it is you'd better learn, just because you are not a rancher and it does not affect you at this point in time doesn't mean that it wont sooner or later and who will stand for you when it does. The big bad is coming.

  7. Those ranchers are where your food comes from. Without them, Las Vegas would be a dried up desert town without people.

  8. You commenters don't even understand the foundation of the situation. Two ranchers burned small portions of their leased Federal land for grazing restoration and they were convicted of arson! That's the problem they are protesting.

  9. 10:06 "revaluation"? really? hummmmm, that sounds like a cross between an "evaluation" and a "relavation". If those people holed up inside that facility are as educated as you are, we all know how that's going to turn out. glad you are not their official spokesperson.

  10. The reason these people are doing this is because the ranchers Dwight & Steve Hammond are being sent to jail a second time for the same crime. Since most of you dont know the constitution this action violates the 5th amendment rights of these American citizens.

    Given that we live in a time where the government cares more about legalizing Mexican, ignoring muslim terrorism on our own soil and the brewing race war, I hope these armed citizens take it to the bloated and far to powerful Federal Government. I am fed up with the over react of our federal government. 40 million federal employees...for what? They are leeches. All of them.

  11. These people are hero's of the little guy who's being bullied by an out of control government. They sentenced these guys for burning underbrush to protect property and were sent to jail and then released then some liberal judge decided they didn't serve enough time and ordered them back to jail. This judge should be hung in the street.

  12. Form a local Militia we will need them when the lights go out.

  13. Why havent they burned cars and robbed CVS's yet?

  14. No one knows what the trigger will be for the next American revolution.
    They just know it's coming.
    It is an historical inevitability.
    Keep cheering.

  15. At least they are occupying a building on a wildlife refuge. In the 60's the Black Panthers took over the Legislative building in San Francisco, I believe, With shotguns and other weapons while in session. They were never prosecuted that I can recall. So what is the big deal about? Oh I forgot they were black radicals threatening people with weapons and this Militia is mostly white and not threatening people.

  16. 11:18 This below seems to be what you are talking about. I don't think they took the building over. Some of them did have some legal problems. None of these groups are ever going to bring down the USA. The Whiskey Rebellion didn't and the Civil War didn't and nobody who has come before or since have been successful not that this has always been their goal. Read about your comment:
    "Awareness of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense grew rapidly after their May 2, 1967, protest at the California State Assembly. On May 2, 1967, the California State Assembly Committee on Criminal Procedure was scheduled to convene to discuss what was known as the "Mulford Act", which would make the public carrying of loaded firearms illegal. Eldridge Cleaver and Newton put together a plan to send a group of 26 armed Panthers led by Seale from Oakland to Sacramento to protest the bill. The group entered the assembly carrying their weapons, an incident which was widely publicized, and which prompted police to arrest Seale and five others. The group pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of disrupting a legislative session.[53]"

    Another report version:

    In May 1967, the Panthers invaded the State Assembly Chamber in Sacramento, guns in hand, in what appears to have been a publicity stunt. Still, they scared a lot of important people that day. At the time, the Panthers had almost no following. Now, (a year later) however, their leaders speak on invitation almost anywhere radicals gather, and many whites wear "Honkeys for Huey" buttons, supporting the fight to free Newton, who has been in jail since last Oct. 28 (1967) on the charge that he killed a policeman ...


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