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Sunday, January 03, 2016

JUST IN: Bill Cosby is charged with sexually assaulting a woman

NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) — Bill Cosby was charged Wednesday with drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his home 12 years ago — the first criminal charges brought against the comedian out of the torrent of allegations that destroyed his good-guy image as America’s Dad.

The case sets the stage for perhaps the biggest Hollywood celebrity trial of the mobile-all-the-time era and could send the 78-year-old Cosby to prison in the twilight of his life and barrier-breaking career.

Cosby was charged with aggravated indecent assault and was to be arraigned in the afternoon.

Prosecutors accused him of rendering former Temple University employee Andrea Constand unable to resist by plying her with pills and wine, then penetrating her digitally without her consent, when she was unconscious or unaware of what was happening.



  1. Obama will pardon him next year.

  2. A trial this large will take so long to get before a judge Obama will be out of office before Cosby hears a verdict. Let alone if found guilty numerous more will come forward and try to get a piece of the gravy train.

  3. 1129-You consider getting raped "getting a piece of the gravy train"?

  4. Another celebrity that is above the law, who will never see one day in jail or punishment! Social status and celebrity rules this country!

  5. I believe these women. There are so many of them and their accounts are very similar. I know there are men just like Bill Cosby. The outside world adores them but behind closed doors they are mean and angry.

  6. the world needs to wake up. Bill cosby is the biggest sexual predator that has ever walked the earth. His fame has made him think he's above the law and can do whatever he wants to with women. In his comedy albums from the sixties he talks about "spanish fly" and wanting something that would make women want him. All of the accounts are identical and made from women that have nothing to gain and only wish for the truth to be known.

    1. And the MSM and African Americans have covered for him just like Obama.

  7. Maybe, maybe not 11:29. PA has a 365 day 'speedy trial' law.

  8. 2016 bill cosby president, bill Clinton vice president, Osama abama refugee specialist, Hillary monica Clinton front desk at the ymca

  9. Meanwhile the US Government continues to rape and pillage Muslims abroad while the citizens are distracted (again) by a fake trial (remember O.J. Simpson?).

  10. I remember when he did the UMES commencement speech.

  11. 4:57 You must be drunk.

    It's MUSLIMS that rape and pillage, both in their own countries and every place they invade or "immigrate" to.

  12. considering these women planned on using him also I would say they are just jilted that they did not get what they wanted. you think they hung around with him just because they had nothing better to do? Naw, I would say they are just mad since they did not get the fame and fortune they where hoping for! so now they try it another way.
    these women are/were stupid! see it all the time!

  13. It will be like another OJ trial. A true circus!!!!
    I'll be the race card will be used more than once!


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