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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Hillary Clinton: I'll 'Stand Up to' Trump

On a day that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump attacked her husband, Hillary Clinton picked up the gauntlet, vowing to "stand up to him."

The Democratic presidential candidate's response came in the form of a statement from Clinton deputy communications director Christina Reynolds. It alludes to Trump's criticism of Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, without defending him. Trump charged the former president of "a terrible record of women's abuse" in a tweet earlier Monday. In 1998, after a sexual liaison with a White House intern, Bill Clinton was tried for impeachment but not convicted .

In the statement, Clinton's campaign focused on Trump's "demeaning" remarks about "women, immigrants, Asian-Americans, Muslims, the disabled or hard-working Americans" and said he has "pushed around nearly all of his fellow Republicans."



  1. Shut Up! Does anyone really listen to this woman?

  2. I'm praying that once she loses the election for the presidency the Clinton's will disappear never to be heard or seen again!

  3. She can't even stand up to her husband...

  4. Clinton was impeached. He was not removed from office. Know the difference.

  5. She has no business talking about women being "demeaned." After what that white trash she's married to did to her (cigar ring a bell?)used toilet paper has more value than whatever she has to say. Then obama told the slave clinton to go and lie about Benghazi and being the all obeying slave to a man she does it.

  6. 12:36 unfortunately yes some do listen to her. A lot of women do like her. Why is a mystery. As stated above she can't even stand up to her philandering husband which shows she is easily controlled and manipulated and not in charge. She allows men to control her which shows her inferior feeling personality.

  7. we only have her as pres for 8 years

  8. I would love to see Trump and Clinton go at it. Trump would chew her up and spit her out. Trump is one person that is not afraid to go head to head with Clinton.

  9. Trump's job is to get Billary elected.

    He is the present day Ross Perot. He gets to tell the truth, but in a way that makes him look ridiculous so nobody can allow themselves to vote for him.

    At the end, Trump will make even more money in reality television.
    He will be paid very well for doing his part.

    Beautiful plan.

  10. 4:54
    What you just wrote is probably the sad truth

  11. There is a video going around now that shows some (25) of Killarys criminal acts along with her husband and others. She is a career criminal.

  12. The majority of voters in current elections are self-seeking or downright ignorant of the truth and vote for whoever is popular or those who will give them the most for free. The Dems naturally attract these idiots and illegals to win elections. And so our country is becoming more socialistic (communist) every day.

  13. Trump can whip Hillary in the general. I fear he is not going to be as conservative as I want the president. I support Ted Cruz, but would vote for Trump over Hillary as I suspect many would. Even many democrats will vote republican or not vote at all. I think many Dems are sick of their party at this moment, but will not admit. That is the difference. Republicans will call out their party when they are wrong. Dems that disagree will just sit silently - they do not want to anger the dark side.

  14. Oh the irony. "I will stand up to Trump" me while her press secretary issues a statement. That is the problem. She equates telling someone to write a statement for her as HER standing up. Meanwhile I am pretty sure that what I am hearing from Trump is coming DIRECTLY from Trump. Hillary and all her supporters can go pound sand.

  15. I heard killarys running mate will be bill cosby

  16. Hillary sure does have a finger on the pulse of America. The other hand is in its pocket.


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