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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Muslims, atheists team up against war memorial in Maryland

A group of American atheists and Muslims has for months looked with scorn upon the Bladensburg World War I Veterans Memorial.

The source of their indignation? Well, it’s all about the shape of the edifice.

The imposing landmark, which has stood since 1925 in Bladensburg, a small town in Prince George’s County, Maryland, happens to be in the shape of a Latin cross.

The American Humanist Association, joined by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, has challenged the state in court, arguing that the large cross violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment. A Nov. 30 ruling by a federal judge came down in favor of the state of Maryland and its right to maintain such a memorial on public land honoring the sacrifice of World War I veterans.



  1. The sight of a cross is too much for them to bear? So, it turns out we were right after all. ALL atheists and ALL Muslims are mental weaklings who need to State to protect them from big scary crosses.

  2. Ridiculous, and a real travesty.

    Islam is far more dangerous to our First Amendment rights, than some old memorial.

    As an atheist, I think they should concentrate their efforts on eliminating the creeping signs of Islamization in this country, not the fading signs of Christianity.

  3. just goes to show that Muslims and Atheists are extremist zealots.

    1. No, it does not.

      Some Muslims are extremists, many are supporters of extremists. Most atheists could care less about religious symbols of any kind. A few are misguided, and turn a blind eye to the real threat, which is Islam.

  4. Look the other way if you don't like it - this is to honor World War I Vets for pete sake. What idiots.

  5. let's settle it by violent means (sarcasm). Since they are supposed to be people of "peace" maybe they would fear the threat - hell its worth the try

  6. Veterans should set up camp there, locked and loaded. Better yet we need a president who supports Veterans that would sign an executive order to protect these national monuments. For that to happen we'll have to wait until a Republican is elected.

    1. This is because they know Obama is leaving next year and the Muslims and Obama sympathizers know the jig is up once Obama is GONE.

  7. What a shame ! Veterans and Christians should come forward on these protests. Thankfully the court ruled in Maryland's favor - for now.

  8. Screw all of you Atheist's. You all should be tried for treason because this country was founded by our fathers to have the freedom of religion. All atheist's should be deported to a island and left there.

  9. Christians should demand that the murder symbol be removed as well as the Muslims and non-deity believers.

    It is a filthy symbol of which the Christians need to rid themselves.

    1. Its a reminder of truth. Never forget.

  10. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Which means congress shall not tell us what to do with religion. It does not say congress shall not have any religious views or participate in any religious activities. It is all about the all mighty dollar. The stupid ignorant ACLU are nothing but greedy people. Screw all atheists. We all will have our day in heaven or hell.


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