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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Delmar & Wicomico County School Districts Closed Today 1-21-16


  1. Are u kidding me. Two hour delay n drive slow. Get theses kids into school

  2. I live in Delmar and didn't even have a dusting on the steps. If they close for this much snow today, heck, they won't have school for the next two weeks after this storm on Friday-Saturday.

  3. Any reason why given?

  4. I am a teacher and I don't get it. Now we're going to send them in tomorrow when it looks like we'll have to send them home early for a 4 day weekend.

  5. If any of your kids were in an accident on a bus on the way to school the first thing youd say is why didnt the school close. Shutup.

    1. Ohhhh BS the buses can handle a dusting of snow your probably a Obama party mom.

  6. Storm on Friday and Saturday isn't going to bring much more snow than last night, 636

  7. This is BS,a freaking dusting.

  8. due to the roads. do you really want school buses on the ice?????????????

    1. What oh what did you do before buses?

  9. 7:32 yes., my kids road in this kind of weather years ago and the never cancelled school unless it was 3-4". Some kind of way they have taken even the threat of snow to cancel school - I've seen it. What fell last night is not snow. If bus drivers cannot drive in a light dusting like this then they shouldn't be driving. Just another example of the pussification of America.

  10. Some of these comments are crazy. I live in Worcester County and my road was covered with snow and ice. Keep them home, I hope they cancel for tomorrow. Spend sometime with your kids.

  11. I haven't been on any roads except our circle in the development. It is pretty icy. I don't know if they treated the roads around here.

  12. Just a dusting! Teachers should still have to report regardless!

  13. OMG, unbelieveable. Glad none of you were raised in Montana, Wyoming or Minnesota. We went to school, every day, all school year, and believe me, it snowed. Did the roads have ice on them? You betcha. Let your little darlings walk to school, if you live in town, that's why they made hats, gloves, coats, boots and scarves. The bus drivers may have had to warm their buses up and start a little earlier for the kids who lived out in the country, but kids got to school, sometimes a little later, but they got there.

  14. I'm a school bus driver and i don't want the responsibility of having your kids on my bus with ice on them. If i was to have an accident you would be the first to sue me 7:40. I'm the professional driver not you.

  15. At least there won't be any bomb threats today....

  16. 8:13 teachers have this thing called a contract. It states we report 14 days without students, which are for professional development. Our salaries are based on working those days. Your ignorant comment would be like telling someone who works in an office to go to work on a Saturday and not get paid for it. We get paid for the days we work just like you do.

  17. Teachers will report...in June. It's not like teachers get off the hook for these days. Would rather have gone in today and not make it up later on, but won't complain. I get to spend time with my kids. I hope everyone drives safely and stays warm.

  18. 8:34 I have a thing called a contract too. Bottom line it's my bus my rules Thanks to the wonderful transportation staff you called this closure.

  19. If you don't want your kid on a bus, drive them yourself. You know, YOUR kid(s). Heaven forbid parents actually be the one in charge.

  20. Of course, they're closed. It's SNOW. Now, it if were a bomb threat, that would be another story.

  21. So bus drivers, do you make the call for the closures? Just curious, since you mentioned your contract, and "my bus, my rules" quote. If not, who makes the call? The boe, the police?
    Imo, and it really does not count since I am just a parent, it was a little over kill today to be closed.
    **Just remember this when you are all complaining that the school year is extended in the summer.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm a school bus driver and i don't want the responsibility of having your kids on my bus with ice on them. If i was to have an accident you would be the first to sue me 7:40. I'm the professional driver not you.

    January 21, 2016 at 8:13 AM

    a professional school bus driver? around here? BS. Most are farmers making extra money. the way I have seen some of these buses go down the road and try to make turns is far from professional. maybe you are the exception but I am not impressed with school bus drivers around here.

    1. Any and all of the school bus drivers I've seen around here I wouldn't trust with my trash, much less my children. Nothing professional about any of them.

  23. We got more than a dusting where we live. at least an inch. and of course the ice.

  24. A whole mess of whiny, complaining, middle aged white people. You would be the first to sue if the buss ended up in a ditch, then bitch and complain about that too.

  25. Soon they will be closing when some kid gets bullied, I guess it's time to end the government school system as we know it.

  26. You people seem to forget that Wicomico County is much bigger than your street. Busses have to drive all the way out to the far reaches of Allen, Willards, and Tyaskin. Chances are, those roads aren't cleared as quickly as main roads. Better safe than sorry. Get over it. Also, I used to live in New England, so I know about going to school with inches of snow on the ground. The difference is that people in those areas are more prepared for snow. They have gains for their tires and personal plows for the fronts of their trucks. People here don't have that, so stop comparing the two. It's one day of school, for goodness sake. Enjoy spending time with your kids!

  27. Traditionally, the rural roads dictate whether or not school is closed not the city roads that are usually pre-treated before a snow fall. The county roads are usually much more treacherous, so the administration doesn't want to take a chance due to an incident that happened many, many years ago.

  28. I seem to recall that many were complaining that the schools should been evacuated and the school system was putting your children in danger. Now you complain that the school system decided not to send your children out on ice covered roads. You all just need something to complain about

  29. I have two kids out and yes am inconvenienced. Would I want them at bus stop or on bus No.
    This is now 2016. Why not either have option to bring them to school ourselves and or use Ipads. Kids are online anyhow. The cost of air conditioning in mid-June would offset cost of tablets. Sheesh, Amazon with embedded advertising would supply for free...

  30. 9:17 spot on. Thank you.

  31. 9:03 it's a little more difficult driving a 40 foot bus compared to your pinto

  32. 932 I will leave the keys in mt bus let me see you driver it.

  33. 9:30 AM - So true. It's the computer age - supply them with the ipads and keep on teaching. Nobody misses anything. And.....you contracted teachers get to spend time teaching and being home with your kiddos too.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A whole mess of whiny, complaining, middle aged white people. You would be the first to sue if the buss ended up in a ditch, then bitch and complain about that too.

    January 21, 2016 at 9:04 AM

    another genius with a crystal ball

  35. To the person who said to enjoy the kids. Many households now are two-income homes that require both of those incomes to survive. When school does this, it creates a huge problem because someone has to stay home with the kids, forfeiting a day's pay or use a personal day that could be needed for a doctor's appointment or a school function. I can see where these parents would be upset.

    One suggestion would be is that schools do open, but excused absences be issued for people living in rural areas that have not been cleared. A simple call to the county would answer whether or not a road has been cleared. And let parents bring their child(ren) to the school rather than run bus service.

    To the person with the technology suggestion, this is a great alternative as well but remember, not all rural areas have hi-speed internet yet due to that company in town that got the grant but seems to be in no hurry to implement the cellular internet technology.

    1. The joke is on us in the rural areas. They pointed their towers towards the city of salisbury.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:03 it's a little more difficult driving a 40 foot bus compared to your pinto

    January 21, 2016 at 9:35 AM

    whoop de doo. I've got over 2 million accident-free miles in a real truck. Wisconsin, Minnesota, mid-west has SNOW not this trifling couple inches crap. 20 below in normal for there.

    I have seen first hand how school bus drivers around here drive and act. And now thanks to you we have seen how they talk. You're just another steering wheel holder.

  37. Thornton your suggestion would be perfect - if schools were daycare centers. Contrary to popular opinion, we do more than offer child care for working parents. What happens when the kids who can't get there come back - are they just behind, or do the others wait until the teachers catch them up? Your idea sounds wonderful but it would be a logistical nightmare.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:03 it's a little more difficult driving a 40 foot bus compared to your pinto

    I am done with the pissing contest. I could drive your bus with no problem. But to be fair to you, I could not, would not, do your job.

    Having 60 or whatever the number of ah kids fit on a bus, acting like I have seen in this town and others, I would be in jail. I'm old school and we just did not talk to people like they do nowadays, especially their elders.

    So you keep taking those brats back and forth to schools. Just try to stay in your lane.

    I have friends that drive school buses and they tell me stories. One had to resign because he is like me and would wind up in jail 'correcting' one of those little Johnny's.

    Have a nice day and be safe.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You people seem to forget that Wicomico County is much bigger than your street.

    I know you don't really believe that.

    1. This comment makes no sense. Why wouldn't I believe the county extends beyond the individual streets of the ignorant commenters on this post, people who love to complain about teachers having a day off, yet who spend their time commenting. Are they at work getting paid to ef around on the Internet? Oh the hypocrisy.

    2. Shhhh. They still believe the world is flat.

  40. Absolutely ridiculous. They should give the tax money back and return teacher and administrator wages. No work. No pay.

    1. I'm not sure you understand how teacher pay works. You might want to read up on that.

    2. Last Friday teachers in Worcester County (at least at my school) were stuck being evacuated until 4:30 pm . Normal dismissal is 3:00. And we still had students in our care. Because we are salaried there is no compensation for anything extra we do.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Absolutely ridiculous. They should give the tax money back and return teacher and administrator wages. No work. No pay.

    January 21, 2016 at 11:24 AM

    Well they do we only get paid for 180 school days soooooooooo you cant take back what we don't get. if you don't know what your talking about ask before you open your lips. We as school bus drivers should be paid a lot more then what we get. We take a lot of shit from your kids and when we do say something to them then you as the parents feel you have the right to come on bored the bus and threaten and cuss the bus drivers. Who are you really helping? Yours kids to get in jail.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This comment makes no sense. Why wouldn't I believe the county extends beyond the individual streets of the ignorant commenters on this post, people who love to complain about teachers having a day off, yet who spend their time commenting. Are they at work getting paid to ef around on the Internet? Oh the hypocrisy.

    January 21, 2016 at 11:50 AM

    Yes indeed. And you complaining about people complaining. lol. Oh the irony. And just because someone has a different opinion does not necessarily make them ignorant. I think you are ignorant for even suggesting that.

    But by all means keep complaining lol.

  43. 10:58PM The kids could catch up on their own time should their parents keep them from going to school due to weather. As for providing daycare, I have seen the results of Common Core and frankly, some private daycares excels over this attempt to federalize education as the knowledge derived seems sub par. So far, the public education system has left me underwhelmed.

  44. I have not read all the comments, but I do believe, Freddie, realized there had been no school delays or closing so far, and he said to himself, "by golly we are closing schools to day" the robo call came in around 5:00 a.m.

  45. Thornton they will catch up on their own time? Oh how cute! Maybe their parents will help them, you know the ones that don't even make sure they do their homework. If you are so impressed with private school, by all means you should enroll their kids there. Most of them were open today.

  46. If you lived in Baltimore you would have no other choice than send your child to private school....public school is just to dangerous. Salisbury is going that way.


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