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Sunday, January 24, 2016


Another viewer says: Happening now...Sheriff and State Police cars with sirens and lights going into Stephen Decatur H/S.

Students are being evacuated to the Middle School.

Please be aware that this morning, Stephen Decatur High School received a telephone call to the main office indicating that there was a bomb in the building. In accordance with our protocol, law enforcement was immediately notified, and all students and staff have been safely evacuated from the building.

We are working in partnership with the Worcester County's Sheriff's Office to evaluate the safety and security of the building while ensuring all our students and staff are safe. As additional information is made available, we will provide updates.


  1. You are the first to report this. Look on all websites and no updates not even from the Board of Education.

  2. Salisbury Middle School on Code Orange. "Safe in Place" and lockdown.

  3. Law enforcement better figure this stuff out quick. This is getting ridiculous and scary.

    1. Law enforcement better figure this out quick? Haven't they the other 2 times? They don't wake up thinking this is going to happen, nor is this their fault. Get your facts straight, hoss. 3x Bomb threat and no bomb.

  4. Told my child to wear layers because I was expecting this today. They are not allowed to take coats with them because they can't get them from lockers. 3 degrees with wind chill. Somebody needs to figure this out or send the kids home. Nothing productive happens for the rest of the day even when given the all clear. The students are just too rattled....and rightfully so.

  5. 9:51 due to bomb threat? Or something else?

    1. Automated "Non-credible" bomb threat

  6. WICO Sheriffs office just posted that there is also one at Wicomico Middle School now.

  7. Apologies. That should be Salisbury Middle School.

  8. Clear the buildings with bomb-sniffing dogs put in national guard to protect the buildings 24 hours a day and stop this disruptive crap.

  9. Our hands are being tied by the Worcester County Board of Ed. You cannot pick up your child or they will receive an unexcused absence. You are only allowed five per semester or they can take all of your credits for that semester away.

  10. 1002 I think at this point that is our best answer. Govenor Hogan we need some help down here.

  11. this is getting out of hand. how about instead of keeping them in one building send them home. why take risks. call school for snow but bomb threats for a week yeah keep it going.

  12. Well im going to pick my son up. His school doesnt have a threat yet but the idiot wont wear a coat and he has an appt later...so f it lol..he learns more at home anyway

  13. just another punk kid who doesnt want to go to class.
    give me a break!
    no one cares about the little po-dunk eastern shore.
    this nonsense will keep happening and theres no way to stop it

    1. Punk kids don't spend there cash on Robocalls.

  14. 01/19/2016 - Please be aware that this morning, Stephen Decatur High School received a telephone call to the main office indicating that there was a bomb in the building. In accordance with our protocol, law enforcement was immediately notified, and all students and staff have been safely evacuated from the building.

    We are working in partnership with the Worcester County's Sherriff's Office to evaluate the safety and security of the building while ensuring all our students and staff are safe. As additional information is made available, we will provide updates.

  15. What schools are on lock down or being evacuated? This is getting ridiculous!

  16. I had a feeling this was going to happen so when I had the chance I checked 'the news' and nothing. Looked on here and got the info I had expected for today. Those poor children and all involved.

    Dear God Almighty, please, please intervene and lead the investigators to the person/persons who are doing this. Make them slip up so the evidence is there to arrest and charge without any questions. God is bigger than the twisted person who is doing this. God tells us to pray for our law officials no matter what they are doing. He gave us them and they are loved by the Lord and given the authority to find evil among us. If we believe in the works of Christ and His righteousness LE will find this person intent on doing us and the children evil. Because Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father we pray for this person to be caught and caught NOW!
    We believe in You. We bind this evilness away from us and into a jail cell. We send warring angels from Heaven to fight those who come to cause us harm and chaos.
    Beloved God saves souls he can certainly bind this evilness away and restore things to normal. Bless our LE officials and lead them to find who is doing this! We pray in the name of Jesus amen and amen. Thank you Jesus Thank you Beloved.

  17. When are our political leaders going to comment on this situation? If this was occurring in Montgomery or Howard Counties the response would be very different

  18. Perhaps you shouldn't tell the world where they have been evacuated too. Let's think before we report- keep them all safe.

  19. This is getting insane. Why not just close the damn schools until further notice or maybe get help from higher up and stop pushing this under the rug and Pretending like eve thing is ok.

  20. @ 10:14 You obviously don't have children and should keep your comments to yourself. Every threat should be taken seriously and I'm sure a punk kid isn't capable of pulling off this many bomb threats across several counties and states. and please keep in mind the eastern shore has harbored several terrorists lets not forget people involved in 9/11 lived in Delmar. So do your homework no one is exempt anymore......

  21. These bomb threats have been affecting schools in Maryland Delaware and Virginia for several days now and even completely shut down the Worcester County Schools for a day. Why hasn't this been reported on national news? Is the tri-state area that unimportant to the nation?

  22. The question is not about the news outlets being contact. The question should be is, has any of the federal agencies poised to handle investigating of these types of emergencies been contacted by local authorities for assistance with this matter?

  23. Reporting every detail in real time is a big mistake. Especially evacuation plans.

  24. AMEN 10:17 . . this is getting out of hand and yes the kids need to be excused for the rest of the day as they will be too emotionally charged after the evacuation.

    Law enforcement needs to give an update for the parents and communities . .this is getting really scary.

  25. Exactly 10:25. Whoever is doing this has covered their tracks extremely well. Not withstanding the use of the robocalls but they covered themselves with method of payment. Could have used one of the Visa etc gift card type things. They would easily be traced to where it was purchased and when but then what? Try and figure out who bought it esp if it was purchased some time ago.
    If the federal government had cracked down on the telemarketers who use robocalls w/fake caller ID's like they are supposed to have done we would not be in this position. But of course with a loser lying nothing like obama at the helm nothing of any value is getting done. This country has gone back so bad is sickening. obama supporters should be real proud of themselves. If your children and you are upset, good you deserve it. Experience is the best teacher for you dishonest immoral horrid people. Only feel sorry for the moral decent people who see and saw through the devil here on earth and didn't vote for him.

    1. If your children and you are upset you deserve it??? You sound as if you or who ever you represent is who should be captain of this ship.

  26. With all do respect to local authorities and their dedication to serve and protect. I think it's time the feds get involved and take over the investigation.

  27. 10:44 They won't because they can't (as is the way it should be) and quite frankly it wouldn't make a bit of difference as local LE has any and all resources of the fed gov't available to them any time them want and they are taking advantage of those resources for this.

  28. 10:54, If you are an obama supporters then yes, you are getting exactly what you bargained for by supporting him so therefore yes without any question you do deserve the chaos and uncertainty this is causing. It's not like it rocket science or anything. He is a very very evil demented person who is taking this country to lawlessness day by day. Experience is the best teacher for those sick demented people who support him and his ways of taking this country back to a 3rd world hell hole. So again YES if you are an obama supporter and your kid is outside freezing you grew it so now chew on it and don't dare complain!

  29. "Worcester County Sheriff's Office Several states have been impacted. To our knowledge so far the Tri state area, New Jersey, Florida, Massachusetts and California. Sounds like Indiana as well."

    This posted on WorCo Sheriff's FB site overnight. This is something broader than just a disgruntled student.

  30. "Anonymous said...

    With all do respect to local authorities and their dedication to serve and protect. I think it's time the feds get involved and take over the investigation.

    January 19, 2016 at 10:44 AM"

    You mean the same "feds" who were told not once but twice by a flight instructor about the group of middle eastern men who were taking flying lessons and weren't interested in learning how to land a plane? That group went on to topple the WTCs.
    Or the "feds" w/offices in Boston who were told not once but twice by Russian intelligence officials about Tamerlan Tsarnaev and how this "refugee" was a possible terrorist or had terror ties? When the Boston bombing took place those "feds" had to post pics and videos on line to identify the suspected brothers. Had they checked their own records it's entirely possible the brothers would have been captured days sooner and without the loss of life of the university policeman.

  31. For all we know this could be originating from overseas somewhere. I'm curious to know if there were any calls yesterday when schools were closed. This would maybe show that it is someone not that familiar with the US school system and it's holidays.

  32. 11:06 is delusional and not playing with a full deck of cards.I can't stand Barack Obama but damn if I am going to use a crisis like these school bomb scares to get up on my soapbox and blame it on Obama.

  33. 11:51. Get your head out of the sand. Terrorist threats and the terrorism escalation in the U.S. Has everything to do with Obama!

  34. 11:51 You put the blame where it belongs and it does belong with Obama. This country is chaotic every which way you look because of him. You are the one who isn't playing with even one card much less a full deck if you think telling the truth is someone on a soapbox. Start being the solution instead of part of the problem and that starts with figuring out where the root of the problem is and calling it out. Now get the heck off your soapbox and start telling it like it is!

  35. 11:51 You aren't serious are you? Obama has everything to do with this if it turns out to be terrorist related. Terrorists have become emboldened by him. The US isn't going to execute if caught and after a while they will let them go in a hostage for prisoner type of thing. They have nothing to lose. They can create as much interruptions as they want with little consequences. If they get caught their cohorts overseas will catch a few Americans and hold them hostage until Obama releases the prisoner.

  36. This is crazy! My kids go to school in wor co and I kept them home today and will continue to keep them home until this is over I dont care how many days they miss I would love to go on front of the truancy court and explain that I value my children's lives more then the entire MD gov and would rather be safe then sorry schools in NJ also for both threats today to. In my opinion it is some sort of terriost trying to see what our actions will be or something. my oldest is 10 and last night he said he was to scared to go to school. And the school didn't even tell the older kids what happened in Friday they figured it out on their own. My 6yo just thinks it was a fire drill thank god they are all safe!!

  37. I have to agree with Amanda. Taking the fear and stress factors into consideration the current situation is not conducive to learning.

  38. To paraphrase the great and hopefully next president Mr Donald Trump-Close the schools "Just Until We Figure Out What the Hell is Going On!!!!"

  39. I will also agree with Amanda. On Friday after I was notified of these threats I went to my childs school to pick them up. upon arrival I am shown where to go to get them when I get there they tell me to print my name and sign my name. Who the heck had time for all that on top of that the people do not even know me as this is my childs first year at this school. I think that teacher should have been the one marking off who was there getting the children not some random person at the school. Then later that night I go to two diffrent schools to get there stuff after receiving a call telling us that we could. upon my arrival to the school we enter in go get my childs things and leave the school and never see a faculty member the whole time I was there, meaning anyone could have entered that school and done as they well pleased. So yes I am one of them parents keeping my child home until you can prove to me that they will be safe to return. These children where put on this earth for the schools to educate and the parents to protect and I will do my best to protect them.

  40. Another part of the plot is to disrupt our education system.

  41. It is my fervent hope, that when those responsible are caught, they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. As an example to others if nothing else. I don't give a damn if it is 'kids playing a prank'. This is terrorism and they should be in federal prison for a significant stretch.

    And yes, the Obama administration is responsible for creating this environment. What I don't get - with all the federal snooping, how is it possible that these calls are not leaving some form of traceable fingerprint?

  42. Shut down the robocall systrms entirely.


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