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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wicomico County Schools Closing Early Today 1-22-16

Fri Jan 22nd, Schools will be closing 2 hours early. There will be no after-school activities.


  1. At least the teachers had to work today like the rest of us!!!

  2. Another holiday in a long string of holidays to come. Why don't they take away Tuesday's day off? Kids have a hard enough time gaining knowledge that's worth something when they do go to school. All these days off for teacher workdays is ridiculous.

  3. I'm so sick of this. They are your kids keep them home whit you. Some of you really need to read up on teachers pay. You don't want your kids home with you, what makes you think we want them all day with us?

  4. 1019, teachers have some of the highest paid jobs in Wicomico County. They should DO their jobs instead of constantly averting their jobs. The taxpayers don't pay them to sit at home, sipping coco by the fire.

    1. Then you should apply

    2. Dearest 10:23 teachers have no say in weather related closings.

  5. 10:23 what you don't get is, we as teachers don't get paid for make-up days.

  6. These teachers would fail miserably as professors. Professors seldom get a 'pass' or work days to do their grades. They have to work when the universities are open and they are not prone to close every ten seconds due to weather. A snow has to be pretty bad for the universities to close. Imagine this, professors even take work HOME with them. God forbid the teachers in Wicomico county do such a thing. Perish the thought.

    1. send your kids to the university for their education - than you can gripe over the cost of schooling

    2. Professors teach nowhere near the same amount of hours a regular teacher does. Your argument is comparing apples to oranges.

  7. Maine and Minnesota have some of the worst winter weather imaginable and they still open schools. What a silly place this is to close for a snowflake.

  8. 1023, cry me a river. Teachers get so many bennies at the expense of taxpayers, it's absolutely insane that you would cry over make-up days and not getting paid. If teaching is a person's passion, then pay is not relevant.

  9. 10:31 passion don't pay bills. Really get over it.

  10. Stupid doesn't pay the bills, either, 1033. There are teachers who retire from one district and then work in Delaware as a teacher while collecting their pensions. Fat cats in education when kids are so under-educated and under-informed has to stop. Do your frigging job and quit belly aching over a snowflake. As someone who helps pay your salary, I'm telling you, you're over paid and highly under worked.

    1. He says as he fills his 50th Micky Dee's burger for the day.

    2. I think he/she meant "flips"
      Still funny tho!

  11. What poeple don't understand is that the school busses are still dropping off kids at 5:00 p.m., and some back roads are still icy! Better safe than sorry!

  12. Its fine if it's safety for kids, 1037, but teachers also skirt out of there faster than an M80. They should stay just like every other worker out there in the world. Ridiculous waste of money, yet they complain about an assortment of trials they feel they endure.

  13. I pay over 3000 per year in property taxes along with other fees. It angers me when I see my money squandered by overpaid BOE employees mainly Teachers and Administrators who get every damn Holiday, Professional days, and the summer off! There needs to be some accountability!!! They are making more than the average worker in this county and they do less! If they were a business they would would be bankrupt, but instead they are bankrupting the hard working taxpayers of this county!!!!

  14. There's just no pleasing some of you is there? You p!ss and moan if they don't do something, you p!ss and moan if they do. How does the school system closing early so that buses can get kids home SAFELY translate to a day off for teachers?
    Equating Salisbury to Maine and Minnesota is a ridiculous comparison. People that live in those climates are more accustomed to driving in such weather, here on the Eastern Shore most people are not. Yesterday's call to close schools for "inclement weather" was ridiculous but, based on the national weather service forecast for today, (not the local media halfwits) getting the kids out and home safely is a sensible action.
    The BOE may do a lot of things you don't like but can we please give them a little credit at least for when they try to do the right thing when looking out for YOUR children?

  15. 10:35 HAHAHA You don't pay anything. Do you really know how the pay works for us. NO! To days kids make it very challenging for us to do the job.We as teachers have no discipline right to your children or do you as parents. When we do then we are threatened by law siuts.

  16. 1040 proves my point right there. Even the teachers are under-educated. If you look at the comment is say if Maine and Minnesota can go to school why can't you? The line of reason is not connecting and this should scare every parent out there with kids in these people's classes.

  17. Why don't you teach on Tuesday then, 1040. Surely you're getting paid for that 'work day.' And we wonder why our kids think Judge Judy is a Supreme Court Justice. Sheesh!

  18. Sooooo glad I do not have kid in school these days.

    1. And so glad that you are not a parent of one of my students. We don't need idiots like you.

  19. They should give vouchers so kids can go to private school. The public school system is useless daycare centers at this point. Even Bundles is open today.

    1. Let us give the vouchers out to the kids that want to be there and it will make our job easier.

  20. Funny we don't see Wicomico Day School, Worchester Prep or any other private school closing for an event that hasn't even begun yet. Oh, wait, education is more important to them than the potential for an inch of snow.

    1. You're missing the point. That's because those kids are for the most part transported by their parents, not by school buses.
      Ok then. They keep the schools open all day but you pick up your own kids at dismissal. That make you happy?
      No, didn't think so.

  21. So many tears in here. Really, is that all you people do on here? Pathetic.

  22. This is like saying that Russia may invade us sometime in the future. Let's close schools so the KIDS won't get hurt. Quit hiding behind the veneer of child safety and do your jobs or quit and do something for a living. No other job in the real world would let you get away with the endless deluge of days off and paid work days when your charges aren't even there.

  23. 1046 I know many teachers that retire from Maryland and then work in Virginia and Delaware while collecting pensions from Maryland. There's no flip there at all. It's called double dipping and there should be some rule against collecting pensions and working as teachers in other states.

  24. 10:49 teachers are not the only ones who do this. shut up!

  25. People who send their kids to private schools DO take and pick up their kids. To some, education is MORE important than it is to WCBOE.

  26. Shut up? 1050, if you're a teacher then I'll shut up when YOU go back to WORK!

    1. By that logic you're on here posting and not working either? Different rules for you I take it?

  27. 10:52 I guess we will be here all day b/c i got the rest of the day off PAID BY YOU.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  28. Once again, 1052 shows the lack of comprehension in written word. Double-dipping should be prevented.

  29. Oh, 1053, teaching in Wicomico is such a cush job, I'm surprised they don't have their work days on cruises. All the waste of taxpayer money on educations where kids don't have a clue when they are released, I mean graduate from their system.

  30. These snow days are a commercial. Go get a teaching licenses and you'll never have to work another day in your life and we mean this quite literally. Money for nothing and your summers off!

  31. Teachers are paid to teach. If your kid is too stupid to comprehend and retain....why is that the teachers fault?

  32. 10:57 I know and love it The best job.

  33. 1057, teachers don't teach in Wicomico. They're busy building snowmen and getting paid for work days when the kids are home. That's why it's the teachers' fault.

    1. Lol. Ok. By the way, how's that minimum wage job working for you?

  34. 1058 don't know why you're thanking 1057, the person said teachers are paid to teach. When you're sitting home due to inclimate weather, "You're not teaching..." so why are you thanking someone who is actually pointing out you're not supposed to be paid for sitting home?

  35. Some people on here do nothing but complain and put other people down. They must be miserable people!

  36. 11:00 you obviously don't get what he/she is saying. maybe you need a lesson in my class.

  37. Some of you complain about everything. You must really be unhappy people. Get a life!

  38. That's a silly comment, 1100.

  39. Agreed. I think these snow days are highly abused by Wicomico's Board of Education. That's why I have my kids in private schools.

  40. I'm far from miserable, I just don't like getting ripped off. Being a taxpayer in this county and having to deal with urchins that graduate from this school system without any command of the English language. I'm fed up with WCBOE's coddling teachers and giving them benefits they do not deserve. Period. They are under worked and over placated.

  41. Ever since Common Core and No Kid Left Behind was implemented, public schools have become a joke. This snow day is just more indication of this fact. Not even snowing but they're calling school off.

  42. Through Elementary school I had my kids in a really good private school until I could no longer afford it. I can tell you, my kids received a better education and I as a parent had more of a say in my children's education and if a child bullied or caused disruption in class, they were warned and then kicked out of school!

    They did not have to deal with political correctness, and were taught reading, writing and arithmetic with out the revisionist history and other BS like Black History month! If I could have kept them in private school, I would. They are now both in College and are doing well. WCBOE doesn't get the credit for this, but Seaford Christian Academy.

    It gave them the moral foundation, and they were years ahead of the other kids when they started Middle School in this crappy public school we have here.

  43. Worcester Prep has 100% rate of their alums going on to college. A record the WCBOE can't even compete with, yet their teachers come here and get all offended when someone points out that fact to them. They claim that citizens always complain but there's so much to complain about, how can we not?

    1. That is not true. There were three people in my class who didn't even APPLY to college at Worcester Prep. And take a look at their college graduation rates. Abysmal.

    2. How much is their tuition? Wor Prep and Salisbury School also have a paid employee that fills out college applications and scholarship forms for their students. These people know the ropes and secure scholarships all for PR for the school.

  44. Hmmm there is a post about Delmar closing early with no comments. There is one about Worcester closing early with no comments. Here there are 40+ comments with whining and complaining about teachers not doing their jobs. Do I asume all of you don't have jobs, or are you posting this garbage while being paid to do a job? Seems by these ignorant comments by Wicomico County citizens it is obvious why many of our kids act the way they do - nasty and entitled!

    1. I was thinking exactly what you just typed. No worries. About 90% of these comments are from the same person. Thanks to the teachers in Wicomico for the education they provided to both of my children. It shows in how successful they are, you know they graduated or will be graduating with honors, in the top of their class, went on to college, landed a professional job before they had finished their senior year of college. See it does work but you actually have to do something yourself. You have to want to learn, you have to want to get good grades, you have to want to go to college, you have to want to work hard and succeed in life. No one can do that for you. I think most of the teachers do a great job. I have paid taxes in this county for over 25 years and if you are smart enough to double dip have at it. This is nothing more than one individual with a lot of hot air, a keyboard and apparently no retirement plan of their own. I have a family member that was in the service, worked for the state and then the county. They are eligible for both a state and a county retirement. You know what they showed up for work everyday, did their job, put in years of service and deserve everything available to them. One thing is for sure they never received unemployment, welfare or any other assistance their entire life. Under the logic used by the person typing most of these comments they wouldn't be entitled either. You would have to change it for every possible person/profession that is getting or entitled to two retirements. They went to work everyday in some cases 30-40 years. Every Wicomico resident doesn't hate the teachers or the administration. There are more than 1,000 kids in each of the high schools alone you have heard from approximately one parent with a lot of hot air and a handful of others. It does not represent a fraction of the school district, taxpayers or parents.

  45. Nasty and entitled? You just described most teachers I have met from Wicomico, 1126. You seem to forget about the taxpayer money that was used for non-school but teacher-related parties and dinners. And now you get snow days when it's not even snowing? Please, who is the entitled one now?

  46. there must be a lot of under paid jealous folks on here. try moving up in life and get out of burger king. good news for teachers only 4 months till our nice summer vacation and to get away from most of the little angles

  47. 1131 just proved my point. Not only are they laughing at the taxpayers that pay their salaries, they also are more than happy for their graduates to work at minimum wage jobs because they don't give a crap about what they do for a living. So much for teachers in the public system having any other goal than self-preservation. They obviously don't care about your kids.

    City and Wicomico Councils, implement some voucher so every kid has a chance at a decent education and start downsizing this idiocy.

  48. I love how there are 52 comments on this post and 0 on the Worcester County Schools post which is just about the exact same announcement.

    People are so quick to bash the Government/WCBOE whenever a decision like this is made.

    Why are the private schools not closing early? Really? No private school has a bus system like the schools do. If you don't like the job the WCBOE is doing, home school your kids!

    You guys just like to complain and then stroke each other's egos off.

    1. Some public schools have bus systems and did close early. They contact the parents via text and don't need to publicize on the news

  49. Ohhh close the schools early, but don't evacuate in bomb scares.

  50. 1159 I am anti-union so I would never apply as it goes against my personal creed.

  51. 1222 when did your kids graduate?

  52. There is too much abuse by the Board of Education. There have been many abuses in spending, and the hard working tax payers of this county do not have a voice on how the money is spent! There are no checks and balances in the system. The quality of education we have been paying for is poor. Private schools operate on a smaller budget, yet turn out a better product. Those with money, even some "School Teachers" send their kids to private schools. I know this because there were many kids in my son's class that had parents as school teachers!

    1. Teachers are just as upset about the abuse at the board. It wasn't teachers going out to lunch with gift cards; it was the board. I guess it makes for more interesting posts if teachers are included.

  53. Because 1231, the schools are much different now than in the time leading up to the late 90s.

    1. I am 52 years old. My 1st child was born when I was 30. I think you can do the math.

  54. 12:22 is blowing a lot of hot air!
    What fantasy world did you come from?
    I'll bet you are blowing hot air and are a teacher or working for the BOE!!!
    Good try!!!

    1. Wrong I am a parent ...did I hit a nerve...still have some helium left.

  55. 1233 I wouldn't work for them under any circumstances. And the hot air you're feeling is I'm pissed off that the WCBOE has been gypping the taxpayers shamelessly for the last decade.

  56. Yes I can. WCBOE is a lot different now than it was when your child was going to school. The current regime is selfish and teachers while not all are mostly complacent than when your kids graduated. The relationship between parents and teachers were more cohesive back then and teachers cared about the quality of education their students were gaining from their classes. Back then, there was a sense of pride and teachers made effort to followup with old students post graduation. Now days, the teachers for the most part are apathetic. The parents complain to them but they don't care enough to listen or chalk them up to hot air and irrelevant. They don't mind making comments like you see in 1131"s comment.

  57. 1238 if you are a parent take heed. The people teaching your kids dont give a crap about them.

  58. yesterday it was the school bus drivers today it's teachers. so sad

  59. 1246 if this is the case then Im glad they are upset, too and would apologize to any and all of them. Its clearly abusing the system and, frankly, it is illegal because it is embezzling. No it doesn't make for interesting posts with teachers included but it was stated that they were when the stories started swirling. I also hope they are upset with the common core issues, too.

  60. Private schools can choose their students. Do you think they choose disruptive, aggressive kids with no intention of ever working a day in their lives?

    1. Bs,private schools choose $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  61. 1255 when my son went to private school, they did have a student that was disruptive but that student was dealt with and the behavior ceased. Private schools have more discipline discretion than public schools. They aren't subjected to political correctness near as much as public schools.

    1. Yeah right. How many blacks, Latinos in your "private school"? That's what I thought.

  62. Ok I am done after this post but I am sure you will have a response. I am not trying to change your mind or anyone else. I am pretty sure that is an impossibility. I am representing myself and my experience. I think in any heated discussion it is good to hear from many perspectives. If you go back and read my very first comment then you would know that I still have a child in the current system being taught by some of the same teachers as my older child. I am pretty sure that Mr. Albero somehow can assure you that I am not a teacher, I do not work for the board nor have I ever held any kind of state or county job. I have worked and currently work for the private sector. What I have experienced and my children has been completely positive. I have no complaints. If that offends you, great. I just want you to know that you are one person out of an entire district. Just as I am one person and have just as much right to voice my positive experience has you have to continue to beat the drum all day.

  63. bottom it's your kids not the teachers.

  64. 1258 how can the kids go to university if they don't have the basics down they were supposed to learn in grade and secondary school?

    1. I have to be honest I planned to be done with this conversation but I assumed you asked the question because you wanted an answer. So I cannot speak for others but I can speak for my own situation. Children learn a lot from their parents, grandparents and surroundings before they ever get to school. School is a branch of learning but I think for me I do believe it takes a village. Look I tried to create a good home environment for my children where they felt loved and safe. I made sure that they went to bed every night at a reasonable time and got plenty of rest, I made sure they had a good breakfast before school. Those are all things parents should do. I believe it makes them more relaxed and prepared for learning. As a parent I always went to back to school night and met their teachers and attended several PTA meetings each year (I worked so sometimes I didn't make it) I made sure my children knew that if they could get good grades and they didn't they were cheating themselves. I sat with them at night during elementary and middle school while they did their homework and I read to them every night from birth to probably 7th grade. They knew that I expected them to do their best (which was not always measured by a grade). I was an involved parent. I taught my kids to respect me and my authority as their parent. I made sure to tell them we could be friends when they were 30 but right now I was going to be a parent. Sometimes that was tough, but I signed up to be a parent everyday of the year not just the easy days. I think that when my children stepped out of this house they knew I expected them to be kind, considerate and empathetic children and above all to pay proper respect to everyone, including teachers. I think they knew what I expected and they also knew there would be consequences for what I determined was bad behavior. For me personally this lead to a good experience all the way through school and now into college and adulthood. Along the way I met some really great teachers and coaches. Some obviously we're better than others but when I look back over all the years I believe for me and my children it was positive. I believe school and teachers are a branch of a very big tree but the strength of the tree is the trunk (in my opinion family). For what it is worth that's my story.

  65. Are bomb threats make up days?

  66. Weird how no private schools get these calls?,

  67. What I find interesting is that the announcement that Worcester County schools are closing early gets zero comments, yet Wicomico County closing causes this much of an uproar.

  68. Really? The prep work for a professor is far more vast than the work the average school teacher performs before they get in front of a class. Plus, professors must continually publish and perform research, producing articles and other continued education on much higher level as well as have a PhD which entails a lot more education. And you're going to tell me they don't do as much work as school teachers on a public level. Professors also do not get handed their jobs like public school teachers, they have to work for their tenure.

    I'm sorry but you made me burst with laughter. Good luck with your speaking engagement at SU and UMES. I'm sure the professors will be more than delighted to give you the real 411 about being a professor as you don't have one ounce of a clue.

  69. Roads are covered and some buses would be just picking up students now. What say you now? I guess some of you "parents" are just disappointed that your kids won't be on a bus when it slides so you could sue and avoid working for a living so you can sit home posting ignorant drivel on a blog all day. Don't worry, the government will continue to pay your bills!

  70. 350 my opinion has not changed and 349 what an asinine retort.

  71. 350 school lets out at 3 not 4 and many times most students are out around 230.

  72. 350 seems to have the inside track on other people's lives. Government doesn't pay my bills. I do. Sounds like you're a tad jealous about not being able to do the same. Go make a snowman with you kids.

  73. High schools in Wicomico let out at 2:45. Most elementary at 3:45. Some buses do not pick up til almost 4:15 and some kids are on the bus for an hour or more. Great call today. Roads were very slick at 4:00.

  74. 915 there were five black children and three Latinos in the 'private' school. So you thought wrong.

    1. LOL. That's a shame. Just proves the point I think.

  75. Correction, they are the highest paid employer on the Eastern Shore and the Superintendent is one of the highest paid supervisors on the Eastern Shore.

    Does anyone thing ole Freddy is worth $184,000 per year?

  76. 8:04 you are right were bad. If the bus wrecked they would be crying. Children leaving early they are crying. I am sorry I can not imagine what your spouses must feel like. Home must be a living hell. This is just a weather related issue and look how you act. I am old and do not have a child in school. I do not work for the B.O.E. I started reading this Blog and could not get over the scrutiny of the B.O.E.. Some of the issues I get this is a non-issue. God Bless your spouses if some of you still have one.

  77. It will never be like it use to. We need to realize this. This is hard for me, as I remember going to school in snow while it snowed and even having "free play" in the snow. Gone are the days when snow days meant there was snow and it was deep. Gone are the days when there was real thought about the safety of our children and not the threats of being sued were the driving factors in closing early or for the day.
    So much has changed in every facet of education, most not for the good imo. Sorry teachers, you will never be the teachers of yesterday. It is sad how we as a society have let non educators dictate how we educate our children. I don't blame any teacher for this, I don't understand as a collective how they let this happen, but I don't blame the individual.
    Private schools, what ever, if you can afford them, then do it. Do not judge those of us who cannot or do not. If you do, you are part of the problem.
    However this is what we have now, and no amount of bitching or whining will do any good.
    PS. I loathe PD's. I think they are a waste of time, and so do most teachers.

  78. You people really need to get a life, mind your own business and stop worrying about who does what, makes x amount of $ or has a better job. If you were smarter or had a better education, maybe you could have a job with benefits, perks, paid time off, company vehicle, health, dental, vision, life, disability ins. and 401k with a match/pension. The jealousy and pettiness on this post is sickening and explains why this area is never going get any better. No one wants to open a real business in this area and put up with such nonsense from employees.

  79. The BOE is now a private sector business, 1115? LOL.

  80. Superintendent Fredericksen is a public official. His income is the taxpayers' business because they pay for it. 11:15AM, if it were not our business, then his salary would not be posted in public forums. He is supposed to be considered a public servant.

    It is not about jealousy, what you see is people fed up with bureaucratic nonsense misappropriating money and getting away with zero accountability when if you or I as Joe-Blow-Citizen had done the same, we would be indicted.


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