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Sunday, January 03, 2016

California Laws: On January 1st, Students Won’t Have to Pass High School to Receive Diploma

On January 1, California residents will have to accustom themselves to a number of new laws that will be implemented in the state. These are some the laws that will likely have the most profound effect:

SB 172: High school seniors will receive their diploma whether or not they pass or even take an exit exam; the law also applies retroactively to students who have graduated since 2004;

SB 178: Will force law enforcement to obtain search warrants in order to examine citizens’ emails, text messages, Internet search history and other digital data;

SB 199: Airsoft guns will be required to show aspects marking them as toys, such as fluorescent trigger guards;



  1. Great, so now a CA high school diploma is absolutely meaningless. What a great gift the legislators have given to those students who actually earned their diplomas. NOT!

  2. Did O,Malley help right this stuff, it sounds like his foolishness.

  3. I don't recall any "exit exams" when I graduated high school in the 80's, in Maryland.

    You had to have completed a certain total number of credits, including a minimum in math and science, with a minimum passing GPA, and that was it. No mandatory "community service" nonsense to burden parents, either.

  4. Libtards lowering the standards since 1967. Trump time to make Americans great again.

  5. Right, write. 2nd grade.

  6. Why bother with school at all in California? All a student has to do is show up for the minimum number of classes, they are passed to the next grade (no child left behind), wait out 12 yrs and you is auto's a hi skool gradiate redies fer koleges! Talk about the dumbing down of America, this has to be the most idiotic law ever passed in any state at anytime in this countries history!

  7. Ignorance means more Democrat voters...Modern day slavery only this time through ignorance.

  8. Blame Obama. BS this will spread like wild fire.

  9. And its retroactive back to 2004. You cannot make this stuff up

  10. Anonymous said...

    "Did O,Malley help right this stuff, it sounds like his foolishness."

    Know, O'Malley did knot help right this, butt I bet if he was they're then they wood have ben more liberal in there legislation and past out free collage diplomas to there illegal emigrants.

    To tell you the truth, I don't expect my kids to pass the rigorous requirements of today's education system. How can my intelligent kids pass common core tests when they actually know the right way of doing math?? I actually can't wait to completely destroy teachers when my kids come home with "wrong" answers on their tests and homework due to the idiocracy of common core.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Did O,Malley help right this stuff, it sounds like his foolishness.

    December 28, 2015 at 11:23 PM

    No, I doubt "O'Malley" helped "write" those "Bills," but it's obvious that you have been a long time product of the public school system.

  12. SB 178 - Search Warrants for digital data. This one I can support.

  13. 10:18 did you graduate from UMES ?


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