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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Smoking Gun! Obama Administration was Secretly Running Guns to Syria through Benghazi!

Well the truth about Benghazi is finally starting to see the light. As we have theorized in several articles, the Obama administration was involved in an international Fast and Furious by trafficking arms through Benghazi into Syria. Today that theory has been confirmed.

Newly released documents show that US intelligence agencies were fully aware that weapons were moving from the Islamic terror stronghold in Libya to Syria before the attack on the Benghazi compound on September 11, 2012.

The documents also contradict Hussein Obama's claim that the rise of the Islamic State came as a surprise to the administration.

FOX News' Catherine Herridge said the newly released documents "showed a serious disconnect between what the administration said and what was known by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)."



  1. Duh!

    Ambassador Stevens gave his life because he learned the truth and didn't realize it should be kept hush.

  2. DUH!! This story has been out since the attack and I read about it and the media never picked up on it. Christopher Stephens was meeting with the same people that ended up killing him.

    This is why Hillary, Scary Kerry and Obama let them be slaughtered. They knew that Christopher Stephens knew to much and it would be easier to blame the Benghazi attack on a stupid youtube video and all the RINO's and Lemmings fell for it hook, line and sinker.

  3. 5:00 100% correct.

  4. So now is the time to arrest Obama for treason. He was supporting the ISIS as he is doing now.

  5. Totally agree with 5:00 PM and 5:37 PM.

  6. It does not matter one bit what Obama does/did/has done/will do/plans to do....the stupid liberals/media/dumbocrats, etc. think he is a fine guy and one of the best presidents we ever had????

    Same for Killary......I have to agree with 5:00PM and 537PM, but what good does that do? Nobody will do anything to cause "racial discrimination. We are just plain screwed!

  7. Why is Obama still in Hawaii - why is he not in prison where he belongs along with Hillary???

  8. Would these be considered "light and transient "?

  9. Old news but now that the evidence has surfaced even the MSM can't ignore these facts.....should seal the deal on Hillary

  10. And this is why Trump is doing so well.
    Let's hope the mainstream media DOES report it, though.
    Typically, it's a quick mention and then on to the latest remarks by Trump.

  11. Anonymous said...

    Ambassador Stevens gave his life because he learned the truth and didn't realize it should be kept hush.

    December 28, 2015 at 4:42 PM

    He didn't learn the truth, he was part of the problem. He was easy to dispense of and Obama and Hillary let it happen and even watched it happen. Pay back is a bitch when you work for the enemy.

  12. This happens all the time. We supply the rebels fighting whomever our enemy is at the time with weapons, they turn around and use the weapons against us. It happened with the Bush administration and its happening now. It's not like Obama has a magic wand he can wave, there are checks and balances.


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