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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Troopers Investigating Suspicious Item

Lewes, DE - The Delaware State Police investigated a report of a suspicious item in the Lowes parking lot Monday afternoon.

The investigation began around 12:00 p.m. Monday December 28, 2015 when a 9-1-1 call was placed by a manager of the Lowes located at 20364 Plantations Road after locating a suspicious item in a shopping cart located in the parking lot of the business.

Troopers responded to the Lowes and observed an approximate 12"-15" long PVC pipe with two end caps attached and immediately contacted the State Police Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit. The store parking lot was sealed off at the entrances and patrons and employees were asked to remain in the building for approximately an hour before being allowed to leave the area. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit examined and removed the empty and hollow pipe from the shopping cart and determined it to be non-explosive, later rendering the area safe.

Investigator were able to establish that a male customer purchased the pipe with the end caps attached earlier that morning along with some other items. When he pushed the shopping cart out to his vehicle, he unloaded the other items out of the cart and failed to retrieve the pipe that was left on the infant seat area of the cart.

No charges will be filed in this incident and the Lowes was reopened for business around 2:30 p.m.

Although there is no known threat to Delaware, state officials are reminding citizens of Delaware of the important role they have in helping to keep our state safe by reporting suspicious situations or circumstances that could be related to crime or possible acts of terrorism. The Delaware State Police encourage increased vigilance against criminals and terrorists. If you observe activity that appears suspicious, a threat to public safety, or related to a potential terrorist event, please report it to law enforcement by calling 9-1-1 or the Delaware's Anti-Terrorism Tip Line at 1-800-Force12. The public can also submit a suspicious activity report through DIAC's website @ www.dediac.org. We each have a vital and essential role to play to ensure the safety of our citizens and we appreciate your assistance.


  1. I drove past there when the parking lot was taped off and was wondering what was going on?? It was nuts

  2. Are you kidding me?!!

  3. no 7:49 it is the new normal, don't you feel safe

  4. When fear out-weights common sense

  5. Cops are wards of the state, and only want to ruin your life and or make money for the state while doing so...

    If they were really here to protect and serve, (and you hear cops everyday say they arr not, and that all they are there for is to enforce laws) then you wouldn't see half of the bad things going on that the cops do...

    BUT I guess we blame the people who are starring to record the cops bad actions right? I mean after all, if you didn't see the cop doing it, then this wouldn't be brought to light right? I mean with societies mentality, it is to blame the person who brings to light the crimes of cops right?

    Because we know the people with cameras are the criminals right?

  6. Actually, it makes you wonder what he bought this for.. it sure looks like the fixin's for a pipe bomb.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Actually, it makes you wonder what he bought this for.. it sure looks like the fixin's for a pipe bomb.

    December 29, 2015 at 8:55 AM

    it wouldn't do much damnage is someone is dumb enough to use plastic. it needs to build pressure before it exits the pipe

  8. 8:55 Well, then, they are one of the dumbest individuals in the world. PVC bomb? Please.

  9. It was to hide money outside idiots. No fuse or det device. Somebody just wanted to waste a day. No way in hell any cop with an ounce of sense thought that was a bomb. Maybe a hose beater or two would. Really guys stop embarassing yourselves. I guess your the same crew that flinches every time you see an alarm clock lol sad sad sad. DSP you no better.

  10. Looking closely,that's a steel pipe, morons!

  11. 1:14
    The police stated it was PVC. PVC is not metal it stands for PolyVinyl Chloride.

  12. Should I call 911 because I seen a cookie that looked like a gun?

  13. PVC, are they Morons? That is clearly Black Iron Pipe, well, I guess it is the same bunch of fools that thought a bomb in a briefcase is a clock.

  14. 2:55 PM

    I think I'll go with what the police called it, PVC, rather than your observation of a picture.


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