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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A Pill That Cures Hepatitis Costs Just $4, but If You Live in America It's $1,000

Instead of looking at a corrupt government, which has the unique ability to create and sustain monopolies, the 'evil market' is blamed.

On April 8, 2013, the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, Inc., filed a New Drug Application claiming to be able to cure hepatitis C. They received the FDA’s coveted Breakthrough Therapy Designation, which is is given to drugs that show significant treatment advantages to existing options.

In an incredibly fast review process, the FDA approved Gilead Sciences’Sovaldi for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in December of the same year.

The efficacy rate of Sovaldi, when combined with NS5A inhibitors, is nothing short of astonishing, sitting between 94% and 97%.This rate is far better and far safer than any previous treatments for Hep C.

Nearly one year after receiving FDA approval, on October 10, 2014, Gilead Sciences Inc. patented Harvoni, which is Solvaldi combined with one of these inhibitors.



  1. PURE unadulterated American government GREED.

    1. Don't worry. These GREEDY, I don't care about nobody else except me, myself and I; shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the ALMIGHTY, and for the glory of his Majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. They will not be able to pay their way out of the wrath to come. Believe that.

  2. Looks like they are following the same pricing guidelines as the Petroleum Companies that sell gasoline!!!!


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