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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

This Is How Ted Cruz Wins: Why the Formerly Unthinkable Could Actually Happen

Establishment Republicans are beginning to reconcile themselves to supporting the lesser of two evils.

When Ted Cruz came to the Senate in 2013, after winning a squeaker of a Senate race the previous November, he didn’t waste any time in bringing himself to national attention. It wasn’t his style to use his freshman term to keep his head down and learn the ropes. Just seven weeks after being sworn in, Cruz made a name for himself by accusing fellow Republican Chuck Hagel of taking money from communist North Korea during his confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense. This accusation startled virtually everyone and earned Cruz a rebuke from committee chairman John McCain. Senator Barbara Boxer drew an apt analogy when she said she was reminded of “a different time and place, when you said, ‘I have here in my pocket a speech you made on such-and-such a date,’ and of course there was nothing in the pocket.” She was alluding, of course to the notorious Senator Joseph McCarthy.



  1. Ted Cruz is the MAN "for such a time as this".

    1. Cruz was Not born here he cannot be president i dont care what you say he is only naturlized by his mother

  2. I hope so! I believe he is the only one that can change our direction.

  3. I don't think the liberal Republican establishment will back either Trump or Cruz. Rubio and or Christie are their men (now) since the electorate rejected their handpicked clown Bush.

  4. 8:05 - I'm guessing you voted for Obama/Biden BOTH times.

  5. 8:05 Neither was Obama and you probably voted for him twice.


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