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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

45 Million Americans Live in Poverty, but You Wouldn’t Know It From Watching 2016 Coverage

One of the most pressing issues facing America is ignored by our corporate media.

Of the five Republican debates and of the three Democratic debates, not onemoderator has asked a question involving the words “poverty” or “poor.” While the subject has been touched upon by some of the Democratic candidates, namely Bernie Sanders and briefly Jim Webb, the topic has been entirely unmentioned by the moderators during the three Democratic debates. In the GOP debates, the candidates only bring up the topic as a way to swipe President Obama, which is fair enough but is not a discussion of poverty much less a good-faith attempt to mitigate it. By comparison, the Democratic debate moderators brought up “ISIS” or “Terrorism” 21 times total in all three debates.



  1. Too many 'living in poverty' have free rent, food, phone, and22"chrome rims on their caddys!

    All because they don't actually have to work!

    Pare back the subsidies such that they either eat OR have a cigarette and see what happens.

  2. Fear works better than hunger.
    Keep them hungry AND afraid?
    You could be President!!
    Keep cheering.

  3. A person living in poverty in the USA would be upper middle class in an African country and would be a wealthy citizen in Haiti. So claiming someone is living in poverty is purely a subjective quantifier. There will always be a lowest 20% of something unless we decide to live in a socialistic society.

  4. I would be living a lot better if I didn't have so much taken out of my paycheck, to pay for so many worthless, able working people who choose not to work.


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