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Monday, December 07, 2015

Texas Drops Request To Block Syrian Refugees

AUSTIN -- Texas officials have withdrawn their request for an emergency order blocking a group of Syrian refugees from entering the state and instead are seeking a broader hearing next week on how closely the federal government coordinates with the state on refugee resettlement.

The move almost certainly will allow two Syrian refugees families scheduled to enter the state Monday to arrive and could signal that the state may not stand in the way of future placements.

Attorney General Ken Paxton made the move in a two-sentence court filing Friday, the same day that Dallas-based federal judge David Godbey had been expected to rule on the emergency order request.

In a statement, Paxton explained he had withdrawn the request for an emergency order because federal officials had provided additional information on the refugees that the state had requested. He did not specify what the state had received.

"Texas shouldn't have to go to court to require Washington to comply with federal law regarding its duties to consult with Texas in advance," Paxton said. "Our state will continue legal proceedings to ensure we get the information necessary to adequately protect the safety of Texas residents. While we remain concerned about the federal government's overall refugee vetting process, we must ensure that Texas has the seat at the table that the Refugee Act requires."

Paxton requested a hearing by next Wednesday.



  1. Here is the problem, most people dont want this to happen. Muslim hire piece of crap Lawyers who only care about money. They through blood money at these worthless lawyers to bend out laws to use them against us. States cant afford the law suites. So, we fold. Muslim terrorism ats its best with a POS POTUS backing them, and AG in his back pocket.

  2. WTH!! Texas used to be a leader and now it is caving in to political correctness.

  3. no just sleezy worthless blood sucking lawyers.

  4. It should be up to the citizens of the state, to decide whether to allow them to settle there, since they are the ones who will end up having to pay for it!


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