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Monday, December 07, 2015

Former FBI Agent: ‘Vast Majority’ of US Mosques/Islamic Centers Part of ‘Jihadi Network’

On Friday’s Breitbart News Daily (6AM-9AM EST) on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, former FBI counter-terrorism Special Agent John Guandolo argued that the “vast majority” of the 2,200 Islamic organizations, centers, and mosques in the United States are a part of a broader “Jihadi network” intent on imposing Sharia Law in America.

Guandolo told host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that the San Bernardino terrorist, the UC Merced stabber, the Chattanooga shooter, and the Boston Bombers can all be traced back to such Islamic Centers where “they were supported and trained.”

Guandolo said that the San Bernardino terrorists attended the Islamic Center of Riverside, which he said was a “a Muslim Brotherhood Center.” He noted that the Boston Bombers attended the Islamic Society of Boston, which he said was a subsidiary of the Islamic Society of North America that was founded by an al-Qaeda guy who used to advise former President Bill Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore and is now in prison.

He said there are over 2,200 Islamic Centers and mosques in America and the “vast majority of them are a part of this network — they’re hostile.”

He said “over 75%” of these centers, based on their property records, are a part of the “Muslim Brotherhood network” since they are “owned by the North American Islamic Trust, which is the bank for the Muslim Brotherhood here.”

He said “in 2006, I put together the first training program inside the government on the jihadi network in the United States… and was able to sneak a second one in in early 2007.”

Guandolo trained “quite a number of agents from a variety of agencies,” including the Department of Justice, before the government shut down the programs. He mentioned that the “most prominent Muslim Brotherhood Organizations like the Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Hamas organization called the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) — complained to the White House about the training inside the government at the FBI.”

More here


  1. does this include the one on Jersey Road?

  2. As soon as Trump gets elected, he'll declare Islam a political party instead of a religion and it will then be open season......

  3. Mosques are terror hubs.

  4. Take France's lead and shut them down.

  5. I don't see the Moderate Muslims doing a anti radical rally ? Why ? Because there is NO such thing as a Moderate Muslim.

  6. All mosques are communication portals for radicals to gather.

  7. I think it's a 'sin' for muslims to speak against islam, if I understand correctly.
    Of course, that would surely explain why our president can't seem to put the words 'Islamic' and 'jihadist' together in one sentence, or acknowledge OBVIOUS acts of Islamic terrorism.

  8. Imagine that. Even the mega-mosque TURKEY just planted in MD? No way....

  9. Ending the tax exemption and special exceptions for "religious organizations" such as mosques and churches, especially ones that emphasize and ideology over "spiritual" matters, would help limit the infiltration.

  10. Look at Pew research poll the vast majority of Muslims here and around the world want Sharia law.This is incompatible with the American idea. Why bring them here? We just spent the last thirty years or more fighting religious extremists here who wasted to tell us what music we can listen and dance to, what kind of sex we could have, what we could read etc. I don't want to go back and don't forget liberals you fought against that too. Do you want to go back

  11. I always thought that moose limbs were not allowed to drink alcohol or do drugs. seems no one told these suicide bombers and other jihadists.


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