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Monday, December 07, 2015

GOP Legislators Push Plan That Could Replace Americans With Foreign Workers

GOP House leaders are preparing a huge appropriations bill for a vote next week — and top GOP legislators want to include a rider that could allow employers to replace at least 100,000 blue-collar Americans with up to 264,000 foreign temporary H-2B workers.

The plan would actually cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year, because the unemployed Americans workers won’t pay taxes, but would get unemployment checks and welfare aid from the taxpayers.

The GOP’s pink-slip plan would also cut the wages of many other American workers before the 2016 election. That’s because the foreign temps hold down the normal wages that Americans could otherwise negotiate in a free market for their labor.

The GOP legislators, the House appropriations committee and the GOP’s leadership would not respond to repeated requests for information about the measure. A Hill aide, however, provided Breitbart with documents indicating legislators are pushing to include it in the omnibus bill. GOP leaders plan to rush that huge spending bill through the House by the end of next week.

Read more here


  1. Always looking out for the owner class.

  2. Sooo, now even the Republicans are selling out their constituents!

  3. Andy Harris is a "CHAMPION" of this proposed legislation.

  4. Call him and ask him to explain it.

  5. Was this part of Andy Harris's jobs, jobs, jobs campaign?

  6. Your "leaders" are no different than THEIR "leaders".
    The same goes for "your guy".
    They are in it for the MONEY. If you live or die, suffer or celebrate, it doesn't matter to them.
    They are "concerned" around election time, but after that, unless you are putting a chunk of change into their next campaign, you might as well be a fence post.
    Keep cheering (and believing "your guy" is going to "change things").

  7. Are they nuts? What the hell.


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