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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Officer Porter Claims He Was Unaware Of New Seat Belt Policy, Gray Never Asked For Ambulance

Officer William Porter has participated in more than 150 arrests in his time as a Baltimore police officer. Not one was seat belted in a police transport.

That admission came in testimony from Porter himself, who took the stand in his own defense Wednesday as the second witness his attorneys called to the stand.

Porter is one of six Baltimore City Police officers charged in the April death of Freddie Gray, who died April 19, one week after suffering injuries in a police transport van following his arrest. Gray's death sparked a week of protests, riots, looting and a state of emergency in Baltimore City.

While a new mandatory seat belt policy was emailed to officers three days before Gray's fateful arrest, according to testimony from former police Commissioner Anthony Batts' chief of staff, Porter said he didn't have an app on his department-issued phone to allow him to check his email and would have had to come in early or stay late to read it. The policy was included in what was an 80 page email.



  1. I've seen these emailed policies before and they are little more than an agency cya. Municipalities have many protections. The officers do not.

  2. If you are in the business of Law Enforcement, then taking the time and effort to keep abreast of the legal requirements of the job is not optional.

    All professions require continual training and knowledge updates to remain competent. This is not some un-skilled, minimum wage job. These are professionals with the power and authority to seriously affect peoples' lives.

    Keeping track of policies is just as important as any other aspect of the job. Don't like it? Find another line of work.

    1. 842 requirement of supervisor to follow and get signature of policy. Fact not fiction. Your welcome.

  3. Any and all policies or laws are to be posted for the officers to read , also classes are required to make shore these updates are instituted by the supervisors . Documentation is a requirement as proof.

    1. Right 8:55 and all too often someone drops the ball and tries to make a email cover the A of the people that dropped the ball. 8:42 sounds like a 8 - 4 administrator ball dropper who don't have a clue no more.

  4. "If you are in the business of Law Enforcement, then taking the time and effort to keep abreast of the legal requirements of the job is not optional."

    "legal requirements?" Interesting 8:42. Since when are workplace policies "legal requirements?" A policy is a policy and not a law subject to criminal court proceedings. If a workplace's policy includes a dress code and someone goes against that code, should they be charged in a court of law?

  5. An "80 page email?" I've not ever heard of a 10 pg email much less an 80 page email. Even if you read the entire email, an email that long requires a follow up by a supervisor to make sure everyone read it, and understands the entire email. It was issued just 3 days before Gray's arrest. This is not nearly enough time and unreasonable to expect complete implementation of each and every thing contained in that email.

  6. defense's 1st witness today another med expert. a neurosurgeon who practices in DC
    2nd passenger Donta Allen expected to testify today

  7. Common sense dictates that for a combative prisoners own safety the best way to transport them, would be handcuffed, shackled and laying on the floor on their stomachs. A seat belt would not stop them from kicking and/or banging their head on the wall which could cause a fatal injury. For anyone to say that if he had been seat belted in, would have prevented him from being injured is beyond ludicrous. Also it was suspected he had swallowed heroin. To keep him upright and seat belted and risk aspiration of vomit which can be fatal would be negligent.

  8. defense med expert testifies that injury to Gray would have "immediately" paralyzed him making him unable to breathe. 2nd expert to testify for defense that paralysis would have been immediate. Not 'might' but emphatic immediate. This expert also say he "doesn't think" the injury was survivable.

  9. retired BPD commander testifying. officers must use discretion and sometimes directives aren't expected to be followed as long as officer is able to ID the reason why so in other words directives, policies, etc are NOT set in stone and are open to discretion

  10. What a waste of money, Gray was a criminal POS, he is now dead, good. Don't break the law, you don't get hurt. In the good old days, cops always "Tuned Up" criminals.

  11. the retired BPD commander who is now testifying is currently the chief of the Charlottesville VA PD

  12. circumstances danger level can change in "a split second" Chief Longo says and officers have the ability to use discretion again policies not set in stone and open to discretion

  13. 8:42 you are off base. Even the prosecution in their case in chief, never once maintained that the officer was to abide by, without fail any policy much less the seat belt or calling for medic policy. This because it is not true. They never said policy dictated for Gray to be belted in or medics called. They are saying the officer had a reasonable duty to have done both because under these particular circumstances that is what an officer would have reasonably done. That's the crux of their case: What would a reasonable officer have done and NOT that they are to strictly follow policies.

  14. Longo's tesimony's concluded. lunch break until 145

  15. the unconfirmed chatter is that Donta Allen "2nd passenger" will be next to testify
    jurors really already heard Allen's account through AME Carol Allan's testimony which conflicts with Porters own account of 5th stop
    + Allen's recanted

  16. 12:46 is correct. The prosecution is not saying Porter had any absolute responsibilities only that under these particular circumstances there was no reasonable reason why he didn't act upon policy. The last witness former Baltimore police commander and Charlottesville chief Timothy Longo maintained in his testimony that Porter acted reasonably in handling Freddie Gray.
    Another point people are confused over is the calling for paramedics. Gray never asked for them to be called. The officers asked him if he needed the paramedics to which he replied in the affirmative. When asked he was still breathing, moving, talking and arrangements were made for Officer Porter to take him to Bon Secours. This is why he was transported to the Western District as opposed to Central Booking where all arrestees are taken. From there he was to be taken to Bon Secours. When the van arrived at the Western District station was when he was found unresponsive.

  17. activist posing as a city council member and pres of city council Jack Young was in courtroom today observing

  18. The prosecution made a huge mistake by not calling Donta Allen themselves and getting him out of the way so to speak. He is going to be a disaster for the state. If this jury believes the injury occurred after Allen was picked up, it's over for the state and they will won't get any convictions.
    BTW-the judge had to order Mosby to turn his statement over to defense in Oct (her discovery date was due June 26th.) Shortly after that same day, the gag order was issued. That is why the Porters trial was delayed in Oct.

  19. With the evidence presented so far, it points toward the manner of death----homicide----- determined by the assistant med examiner Allan is highly speculative. I can not imagine any Dr. saying that it was, without question, a homicide and not leaving it open that the manner also could have been accidental or undetermined. This is reason why Dr Carol Allan is only entrusted with patients who are already dead. She takes guesses instead of using science, facts and proof to come to her conclusions.

    1. 136 what's your occupation? Thought so stick to what you know.

  20. no 2nd passenger Allen on stand yet. BPD officer who were on scene at various van stops. Gray kneeling bearing own weight holding head up at 5th stop
    DSA Bledsoe frustrated by sustained objections from defense's Protor
    another BPD officer on scene that day now on stand

  21. veteran defense attorneys observing shaking heads over amateur display during cross. bledsoe ask one of the officers if he saw the van rocking. Officer did not but......state's witness Ross (filmed the video) all over the media saying he saw the van rocking (and FG screaming) for a block. Surely law interns are scrambling to find the interviews he gave

  22. Still praying for you Officer Porter... And I am white!

  23. Anonymous said...
    Any and all policies or laws are to be posted for the officers to read , also classes are required to make shore these updates are instituted by the supervisors . Documentation is a requirement as proof.

    December 10, 2015 at 8:55 AM

    Someone should have mad "shore" you got a good edgumacashun but obviously they failed you.

    I take that back, you were to stupid to take it upon yourself to learn.

    Praying for these officers and will continue!

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "If you are in the business of Law Enforcement, then taking the time and effort to keep abreast of the legal requirements of the job is not optional."

    "legal requirements?" Interesting 8:42. Since when are workplace policies "legal requirements?" A policy is a policy and not a law subject to criminal court proceedings. If a workplace's policy includes a dress code and someone goes against that code, should they be charged in a court of law?

    December 10, 2015 at 10:05 AM


  25. Anonymous said...
    What a waste of money, Gray was a criminal POS, he is now dead, good. Don't break the law, you don't get hurt. In the good old days, cops always "Tuned Up" criminals.

    December 10, 2015 at 12:25 PM

    Amen! You can thank Rodney King for changing this. But now that I think about it Rodney King met Karma. LMAO!!

  26. . In the good old days, cops always "Tuned Up" criminals.

    December 10, 2015 at 12:25 PM

    a lot of other things were done in the past that were illegal too.

  27. Even if it ask for an ambulance they would have never gotten him one the nurses at the jail will check you out is what would have been said. The police don't give two s****

  28. I got to call BS on this case. Full grown man wants to hurt himself he will hurt himself. Seat belt is just bs. Not guilty and I don't even like LE.

  29. 413 I agree with you. So what if the cop put the belt on and gray took it off? In my opinion the cop is way to honest for his own good. For the record YES you can't take the belt off EASLIY while handcuffed in the drunk bus. Trust me.

  30. The prosecutor is good. They have everyone worried about a seatbelt that means nothing. Ridiculous.

  31. Wait wait I thought the cops beat this guy while in van?! They burnt down the city bc he didn't have his seat belt on? Cops didn't beat him?

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wait wait I thought the cops beat this guy while in van?! They burnt down the city bc he didn't have his seat belt on? Cops didn't beat him?

    December 13, 2015 at 9:02 PM

    he died while in police custody while being transported. they beat him with the van on one of their infamous nickel rides

  33. 6:32 You are without any doubts completely wrong and that is the problem. You people who are uninformed are real quick to offer up your uniformed opinion. There is NO and I repeat so you are clear, there is NO evidence anywhere to even suggest that he was beaten "with the van" or otherwise and the van was NOT driven in an unsafe manner at any time. Now keep in mind if you repeat your nonsense again you are lying and are a liar because I have informed you of the facts. There was NO "infamous nickel rides" do you understand. Have I made it clear enough for you to understand.
    You are so much an example of all that is wrong in this country. You run your mouth without knowing what you are talking about. Either that or you are intentionally telling a lie.

  34. 6:32's probably one of those pathetic black lives matter followers. That is the most disgusting foul groups to ever emerge from the depths of hell. Evil wicked people sent here by the devil to do the devil's work on earth. Liars who could care less about black lives unless they can promote their agenda. A little nine year old boy in Baltimore this summer had a gun put to his head point blank by a black thug, the trigger pulled and his brains blown all over the living room of his own home and not one of the black lives matter supporters can even name this child's name! Horrid people who best never forget that God knows what is really in their hearts and He has a special place in hell set aside for them. God is already showing them how angry He is with them by the explosion of black on black violence in their neighborhoods. Yes He is. Each and every murder was sent and sanctioned by Him. He's punishing the evil people.

  35. 6:32, where do you get your info? You better immediately contact the state ME's office who did the autopsy and tell them about this "infamous nickel ride" so they can correct their mistake. The autopsy report says he probably fell when the van accelerated and makes no mention whatsover that the injury was caused by the driver's erratic driving. Also there are cameras all over the route the van took and they were viewed and it was determined that the driver drove in a safe manner at all times.
    FYI-I've followed this case very carefully and have forgotten more than you will ever know about it and 7:30 is correct. The rough ride scenario is not a part of the state's case at all. It would best be served if people like you who are low information refrain from making comments because untruths are not productive and also God doesn't' like liars. No He doesn't like them at all.

  36. 7:57 AM

    bombers have a saying, you get the most flak when you are over the target. and you better stop since God doesn't like liars.

  37. LOL-during their closing prosecution changed their own story. What liars they are! No wonder the black race is in a shambles. That thing they support as a states attorney is a lying shank. They put experts on who were certain and without any question that the injury happened between the 2nd and 4th stops but now in closing state is claiming it happened between 2nd and 3rd.
    Yes 9:25 God hates liars he just doesn't not like them He hates them and that Mosby and anyone who supports it and you included if you do are going to find yourself burning in hell.
    7:57 told the truth and just because the truth is a foreign concept to some doesn't change the fact that it's the truth.
    6:32 is the liar so if you have an honest bone in your body you will immediately correct your comment and redirect it toward the liar otherwise it only shows that the devil is in you in a very big way.

  38. 1050. The case about a seat belt. Basically if he had it on he couldn't hurt himself.. Absolutely no evidence of police brutality... I'm totally confused on what to hate on now? They are trying to fry a innocent black man! And a black women is behind it!! However black lives are marching to convict white cops after the riots burnt down entire black populated section... Why isn't al sharpton demanding freedom for the black cop who is being set up?

  39. 10:50 AM
    They put experts on who were certain and without any question that the injury happened between the 2nd and 4th stops but now in closing state is claiming it happened between 2nd and 3rd.

    between 2nd and 3rd is still between 2nd and 4th. just narrowed down.

    6:32 is the liar so if you have an honest bone in your body you will immediately correct your comment and redirect it toward the liar otherwise it only shows that the devil is in you in a very big way.

    December 14, 2015 at 10:50 AM

    no it is directed at the correct one, YOU. you are very emotional and want so desperately to be believed. that raises a big red flag.

  40. Baltimore 6 not guilty. Pawns in a racial political game. Mosby wants her husband in as Mayor. He is a hood rat taking dope money from philly to fund his campaign. These cops both Black and White are innocent. They are just guilty of wearing the uniform in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ferguson went to crap. Ohblah blah and Holder needed new scape goats.

    This is all crontrived bull crap by the Black Elite attempt to cover up their failures. Including POTUS. Not once has anyone of color appologized to white America for being wrong in Ferguson. The attempts to lie about San Berindinoor the fact racial cpmplaints on college campuses across the U.S.

    I really dont want you to say anything just leave America if you are not a dedcicated American

  41. I really dont want you to say anything just leave America if you are not a dedcicated American

    December 14, 2015 at 1:53 PM

    nobody cares what you want and you have no idea what being an american curtails.


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