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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sanders In Baltimore: Conditions Similar To Third-World Country

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders brought his presidential campaign to the epicenter of April's unrest in Baltimore, calling the conditions in the neighborhood similar to a third-world country.

WBAL-TV was there for the crowded tour through west Baltimore which was clearly an eye-opener for Sanders.

As of his impressions of Baltimore, Sanders said he was struck by the lack of banks, grocery stores and overall capital investment.

"One would not know that you're living in the wealthiest country in the history of the world. What you look at is what would a third-world country look like? That's a pretty sad state of affairs. Unemployment off the charts, schools not working, kids getting involved in drugs and ending up in jails rather than having jobs and not having an education. That's not what this country should be about," Sanders said.

Local clergy members served as Sanders' tour guides along Pennsylvania and North avenues.



  1. So, the man has no clue as to how people in the country are living and thinks he is qualified to be president? This goes for all of them.

    NONE of them knows what it is like to live this miserable life struggling to get by on a daily basis, and this comes from someone considered "middle class".

    President, is an antiquated useless position.

  2. And Baltimore has been run by the liberal elite, many black leaders, for decades now.
    That's what you get with liberal policies. Do we really want to go down that road with the rest of the country?

  3. Who's going to invest in an area where you have 3rd world people who loot, kill and pillage.

  4. Why would a business want to locate there? Even if they could find a company to insure the business they probably couldn't afford the premiums.

  5. 9:42 u stole my comment.

  6. Bernie forgot his medications. He needs to go back to Vermont and continue to be a COMMUNIST.

  7. I agree with 9:52 as well, how come he apparently only toured with one group, why did he not review the facts on the type of crimes committed and what race is leading in those same crimes. We make criminals out to be heroes and bad deeds glorified. Why doesn't he speak to Omalley one on one, and talk to the Police Force in Baltimore about what they have to contend with?

    1. If he toured with whites, by the time he was back to his nice safe comfy limo, he would've had a first hand experience with the reason no business dares invest there, who is willfully trashing the place, and why throwing money at the schools there is futile.

      After all, a socialist is just a coincidence conservative who hasn't been mugged yet.

  8. He didn't walk the streets alone, did he? He may not have survived that. No one wants to go in to Baltimore city, not if you value your life!

  9. The residents of that particular area of Baltimore have reaped what they have sowed. They rioted, looted, burned their own neighborhood. Why would any business owner after having their business destroyed or looted, ever want to return. Business should get their insurance money and pack and run as fast as possible. Let the criminals and welfare kings and queens live in what they created for themselves.

  10. Blame your libatard friends for that Bernie.Maryland has been controlled by democrats for 50 years and their tax and spend policies have made Baltimore the ghetto that it is.Only politically connected business can survive there.

  11. Baltimore residents have embarrassed themselves and have destroyed their own community. The biggest employer in Baltimore is the U.S. Government Welfare. Drug pushers, addicts, drunks, criminals, welfare queens with multiple children by multiple fathers. They have an attitude of "I'm going to get mine" regardless if its legal or illegal. Baltimore with the aid of the Democrats have created this mess.

  12. Winter setting in won't bode well for those in Baltimore.I remember when the mayor of Slidell Louisiana said "thank god the bridge washed out in the hurricane" He was referring of course to Katrina and the bridge going from New Orleans to Slidell across Lake Ponchitrane (probably spelled wrong).The last thing he needed was to have the N.O. bunch go to Slidell.Does anyone know where I'm going with this? (Hint,Bay Bridge to the Eastern Shore)

  13. 3:59 - I almost agree with you, except for the "winter" part.
    They don't protest/riot/loot in cold weather.
    The SUMMER certainly won't bode well, though.

  14. If you gave them brand new houses and jobs making $75,000 a year the majority wouldn't show up for work after getting their first paycheck and the neighborhood would look like a third world country again in a year.

  15. Again Bernie misses the point. The fine upstanding citizens who live in those neighborhoods are responsible for the conditions in which they live. Rid your neighborhoods of crime, drugs and trash and see how fast businesses move in. Businesses need to make profits Bernie. Preach responsibility Bernie, not a sense of self pity. Liberals always point fingers away from the source.

  16. Hope you got a good look and learned something Bernie. This whole mess caused by liberal policies which you expound.

  17. The system provides for these animals they blow it on dope and the casino put down town designed to take welfare dollars. Why else would anyone put a Casino in that dump city. Billions in welfare fraud and dope money. Seems even the Black elite are still looking for FREE money lol. Funny they call it free money I call it theft.

  18. Have you ever been to Vermont. I have family there they always talk about how bad blacks have it lol. Yet there are no Blacks in Vermont. One of my cousins went to Baltimore thinking he would help out lol. Told me he would never return and that he is changing parties. It should be a mandate that all Dems live in Winchester Homes for a month lol. Funny those that dont have section 8 want to hate on those who have to leave near it.


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