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Sunday, December 13, 2015


Trump is a monster, a madman and a vile racist. He's just like Hitler. Or Jimmy Carter.

During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency.

Here's Jimmy "Hitler" Carter saying it back in 1980.

Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.


  1. That was for a population of 37 million people from a specific country regardless of religion. There are 1.6 billion muslims from all over the world that Trump wants to ban including boy band member Zach Malik or something like that. Not really up on the teen pop scene but he is a muslim. Google it. All this attention on Trump really distracts people from how scary Ted Cruz is. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Trump will never be POTUS. Not going to happen and you can complain and call me names but your votes don't even count in MD.

    1. Look up Islamburg ny.
      I dont give a crap about these people all they want to do is change America.

  2. Carter banned citizens if a country. Not followers if the 2nd largest religion in the world. Big difference.

    1. Not true! Islam is not a religion but rather a political ideology masquerading as a religion. A political ideology that demands total compliance with Sharia law and a state sponsored religion. Anyone else is subject to beheading. A religion? I hardly think so.

  3. Well 12:28AM, since you can predict the future and you say he is never going to be POTUS, we are going to be in even bigger trouble than we are right now with the Muslim in charge.

  4. 12:28. Why is Ted Cruz "scary" to you. Is it because he understands the evil Middle East and wants to protect Israel?

  5. While I don't agree with Trumps approach we do need to step back on all immigration for a while. It is out of control. And do we all remember the christian German family that the POTUS desperately tried to deport.

    12:28 crybaby much? Blah blah names and votes. While you are correct on the MD voting history - How do you like Hogan? Even MD voters get tired of the crap they keep electing to public office. And I do imagine MD will vote for Hillary. However, Cruz will be our next president and you can thank me for my meaningless vote for Cruz later.

  6. Carter not only banned Iranians from entering the US, but those here on visa had to immediately leave.
    This is far worse than what Donald Trump is proposing because Carter's directive included all religions and not just the ONE that is most likely to harbor terrorists which is a presidents job. Protect the homeland.
    and 12:28 you need to immediately stop gulping down the propaganda being rammed down your throat by the leftists. Donald Trump never do you understand NEVER said to ban ALL muslims. You need to understand that and you need to understand that NOW and stop with your nonsense. If you are going to say something say it correctly and stop spreading leftist propaganda. Is that clear!

  7. Islam is a cult, period.

  8. Being "totally inconsistent with constitutional principles” does not make it unconstitutional nor illegal to deny entry temporarily or permanently. If that were so no illegal alien could be deported from the U.S.A. That is the view of uninformed Americans and uninformed alien and their U.S. advocates...

    Where in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights does it state that the Federal Government has no constitutional power to limit and even halt emigration into the U.S.A? Nowhere.

  9. MD is definitely turning purple and this is scaring the democrats to death hence the crazy redistricting they are doing. The democrat strongholds are losing population like crazy. Areas that were solidly blue are now red.

  10. Islam is not a religion...unlike the separation of church and state powers in this country...Islam is a geopolitical force which combines church and state into one ideological package which governs its followers via Sharia Law and or the teaching of the Koran...Islam is against all other religious beliefs...Koran 3:85 "Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable."...Islam teaches it's follower to kill those who do not adhere to the principles of the Koran...Koran 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an."

  11. Hogan is a good change for MD, but the post above refers to the national election. It would be great if everyone would take 5 minutes to learn about how the electoral college actually works. Voting republican in a presidential race does nothing in MD. It might make you feel better, but the vote doesn't matter or count.

  12. Trump needs to know this.

  13. 8:38
    If all or most of the swing states went GOP and MD went GOP, MD's 10 electoral votes would swing the election to the GOP.
    It's been said that if Bush had won PA in the contested Bush/Gore election and a state like MD with few electoral votes had gone for Bush the FL fiasco wouldn't have happened. MD's votes do count and proof is in how hard omalley fought to keep the state blue and the gerrymandering occurring.

  14. I can't believe how much more ignorant we are going to get...7000 students were deported because of violations with their visas...8000 more because of the same reason or other infractions within our laws...Iran's government were holding our fellow Americans hostage and we see how that played out...it amazes me how so many people have the right answers to all our problems, yet continue to vote in the wrong people...Jimmy tried his very best, yet God never wanted him to be in politics...after he left office, there is no other president that has done as much with his life to walk in the steps of Jesus than Jimmy Carter...I challenge anyone and I mean anyone that if your foreign neighbor took your mother, father, child or relative and held them hostage, that you would welcome their relatives into the neighborhood with open arms...a lot of people talk the big talk, because they can, but when others walk the big walk for us, we are always the critic...and to take one of our most honorable citizens, Jimmy Carter, and compare him to Hitler, just goes to show the devil is alive and well...I will fight until the very end, not because of your race, color or creed, but because if you are no believer in Jesus Christ as your Lord, then you are not my friend and you will never have my back.


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