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Sunday, November 01, 2015

The Struggle Of Life On $7.50 An Hour!

The Struggle Of Life On $7.50 An Hour!Safiyyah Cotton makes $7.50 an hour working at McDonald's. So how does she...
Posted by DeLorean on Sunday, September 27, 2015


  1. she has a child, where is the father? could she have gotten a better education(free) before she had a child? we ALL have choices in life. the choices we make have consequences. i realize life is hard, but we can make it easier if we would just make common sense choices.

  2. That is equal or less than SSI for the Senior Citizen and nobody cares. WHY?

  3. My granddaughter had a child , she attended school in Baltimore , she just got her degree after about 5 years as a PA . She raised her child who is now 6 , she got a good paying job after working her butt off , she had very little help from anyone . She worked and went to school , well done , the opportunity is there for all.
    By the way , Ben Carson saved her life 25 years ago.

  4. The senior citizens paid into the system, what has she done?

  5. If the government cut off her funds she would be forced to leave that job, so are we technically subsidizing low wage employers who would otherwise lose their workforce?

  6. 2:50 Why is this my problem or anyone else's problem? I came from a broken home and worked any job I could get to put myself through school. Like 2:48 said life is full of choices! Do i feel sorry for this lady? No of course not. She made her choices. being lazy and stupid is easy as long as the government will feed and house you!

  7. So this was put out by CNN. The state of media in the country is so bad that I can not believe this story. Its heart breaking and I am sure thats the point. But I can not believe it. Media is mostly lies so why should I treat this any different.

  8. There was a great investigative book written in 2003 called "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America" by a woman who spent a year trying to get by on two jobs, a diner waitress and hotel maid, while living in a dirt cheap motel and buying cheap food.

  9. It's not her fault she had a kid. It just happened on it's own. Why should I be paying for it?

  10. The lesson here is stay in school .

  11. Who needs school when I get a Obama Phone and EBT cards?

  12. I almost started to feel sorry for her until the end when I saw her son playing on her iPhone.

  13. Like 2:12 said it just don't add up. She has an I phone Boo Hoo Quit eating so much and cancel your I phone. Your just looking for more handouts. I am tired of supporting me and people like you. By the way I make 7 digits and have a flip phone and I started with nothing at 17. Made it on my own. How much was the straight hair? Where is the daddy? Get off your butt, you can be the manager.


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