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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Duty to God and Country Prayer Breakfast Announces Jake Day as Keynote Speaker

Salisbury, MD – The 2015 Boy Scouts of America Duty to God and Country Prayer Breakfast will be held on Veteran's Day, Wednesday, November 11 at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center in Salisbury, Md. Doors open at 6:45 a.m. and the event begins at 7:15 a.m. Jacob R. Day, Salisbury City Council President, will serve as the keynote speaker.

For over 105 years, Scouting's young men have declared on their honor to do their best in their duty to God in the Scout Oath. Sir Baden Powell, founder of Scouting said, "Duty to God is an integral part of the Scouting program. There is no religious side to the Scout movement. The whole of it is based on religion; that is on becoming aware of God and His Service." The event will honor God and the over 10,000 youth on the Delmarva Peninsula who pledge their duty to God.

Tickets for the prayer breakfast are sold individually or by tables of eight. Visitwww.WicomicoCivicCenter.org to download a registration form.


  1. Boring!!

    Why does everyone treaty this loser as a celebrity? All that funding funneled to him for his election is a disgrace. Shame on you people. I know who you are because I read the report. Many of those miscreants live in the County.

  2. Perfect place for him.

  3. aren't there any other people who can speak, star in public service announcements, etc. besides Day and Brad Gillis. Give us a break please!!! They are overexposed and over impressed with themselves. Truly great leaders don't seek the limelight. They quietly do the job.

  4. What? Seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

    He is not City Council President.

  5. I am so over the jake day love fest. The mayor and jake share the same views. Jake will bring nothing different to the city but another person who is not qualified to be mayor. Give jake a couple months then lets see if you knuckleheads wake up and finally realize jakes master plan.

  6. Jake talks out of both sides of his mouth. He isn't a star in my mind.

  7. The prayer breakfast really used to be something to attend with excellent speakers. However, this is a real slap in the face to the young scouts that are actually honest and growing up with integrity.

    Jake Day is NOT an honest person. Jake Day is WITHOUT integrity. Jake Day is NOT a military hero or any other kind of hero.

    Jake Day is a CON ARTIST. Jake Day is a BACK-STABBER who enjoys lying and cheating his way to self-importance. Perhaps he can speak in clear sentences during his speech.

    Jake Day will cost taxpayers more money than the mentally disturbed Mayor Ireton. Watch taxes go through the roof, watch the total failure of policies put in place that will destroy what is left of this city. We will watch Jake Day self destruct. It will happen. A bird (even if it is a crow) never flies so high it won't fall.

  8. I see the usual idiots have spoken. You will be proud that he is from here when he is governor.

  9. 6:57, while I can't join the chorus that is so nasty here, your comment really serves up what his service really appears all about - monied interests in the making of a politician.

  10. 6:57 - The majority of us will not live long enough to see that happen.


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