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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Is President Obama Nuts?

President Obama addressed the International Association of Chiefs, (Police) in Chicago and stated the following...

"I reject any narrative that seeks to divide police and communities they serve; that frames any discussion of public safety around 'us' and 'them,'" he said. "Your work, your services, really has helped make America safer than it's been in decades. That's something of which every American should be proud."

He went on to state that the Media is sensationalizing bad situations that make Police look bad in the public eye. 

Look, I'm not saying he is completely wrong. However, what I am saying is, can you say Travon Martin and all of the other investigations HE and HOLDER created over the past several years.

The man needs to get his head out of his rear end and Americans need to stop listening to the BS he and other Liberals are feeding you. Just because they say it doesn't mean it isn't a lie or completely misleading. 

Take the School Resource Police Officer today who threw a young girl around a classroom. Did the Media sensationalize that situation? Are we to cover these stories up because they are simple, POLICE? 

Law Enforcement is FINALLY being held accountable for their actions. Cell phones have paved the way to civilian justice for once. Think of the MILLIONS of cases in which a person stands in court and says, but your Honor, that's not how it happened. The Judge replies, are you telling me the Police Officer LIED! 

If you want to be in Law Enforcement, be a Professional. Don't get pissed off because the underdog now has a way to expose the TRUTH. Oh, by the way, it doesn't matter if you are WHITE or BLACK or whatever. Everyone has been a victim of abuse of power. 


  1. No not nuts. obama is a very evil person. He was put on this earth by the devil to do the devils work. He is in the same league as hitler. The only thing more evil than obama are the people who support him because they have enabled this evil doer to continue his wicked ways.

  2. obama created the problem. LE is not the problem.

  3. 7:07 is spot on!

    This waste of oxygen is the biggest turd POSOTUS this country has ever had.

  4. Homey getting grey from lying so much!!!

  5. He is the worst president ever.

  6. he's deflecting and redirecting.

    cloward and piven type shenanigans.

  7. Those who find our emperor weak miss the essential strength of Barack Hussein Obama, II.
    From Obama is no ordinary weakling ~ Reis R. Kash, Springfield, IL
    "It's no ordinary weakling who can turn a once-respected country into an international joke; reduce Congress to a gaggle of sniveling sycophants; turn the world's finest medical system into a failed third-rate socialist nightmare with a stroke of his pen; shatter our Constitution without any attempted recourse by the sons and daughters of pioneers, frontiersmen and women whose blood was used to write that inspired document; and turn the people of our once-united states into a herd of competing minorities who, like suckling pigs, are afraid to lose his place on the government teat should he raise his voice to protest the ruin of our country.
    So, don't denigrate this nonentity ruler who has overcome his uncertain ancestry and ludicrous incompetence to do what no other king or dictator has been able to do in our 237-year history: He has destroyed America."


  8. Do not fret America,help is on the way.Donald is coming to your rescue

  9. Since the patriot act which isn't patriotic was signed, it seems like we are now all the enemy and the police have become militarized.


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